
Birthday Party-question

My ds was invited to a birthday party for a friend from school. They are in kindergarten so I am assuming he is turning 6, my ds is only 5. Is it weird that I want to stay at the party? I did when he was in preschool, but I was wondering if this is still acceptable? My ds didn't go to preschool in this district and I don't know any of the parents. When I call to rsvp, do I just say 'are parents welcome to stay?"  It's a 3 hour party at their house-thanks for any insight you can offer!
Former nest name=nettie Mom to Nick 09/13/05, Isabel 07/20/07, and Tori 09/08/11 image

Re: Birthday Party-question

  • I bet a lot of the parents will stay.  It seems like pre-school and kindergarten parties most of the parents stay, 1st and 2nd a few stay, and 3+ no one stays. 

  • I just flat out ask if it's a drop off party or if parents are expected to stay. I will ask until DS is in K. After that I would probably assume that parents wouldn't stay.


    AKA KnittyB*tch
    DS - December 2006
    DD - December 2008

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  • I don't think it is uncommon either way.  Ds has been to a bunch of parties and had one himself with friends from kindergarten.  For his party, I didn't care either way because we had it at a place and their was someone running the party.  Some parents stayed and some just dropped off.  For ones that ds has gone to, we play it by ear.  there was one that dh brought him to and dh felt more comfortable staying.  I have found that when it is optional, there are always some parents that stay.  You should do whatever you and your dc are comfortable doing.
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  • DS was invited to a 5 yo party last fall (DS is 4) at a sports center. At the start of the party all the parents were there, walked to the room where they started the activities and were watching. Well, one by one, all of the parents left, except the bday child's parents. I stayed. I felt a little uncomfortable, but was interested in the facility/party since I was thinking about enrolling DS in classes there. The parents of the bday girl are neighbors and had offered to just take DS there, so I am very comfortable with them, but I drove him and still stayed. I think you can ask, but since it's at their house, they will probably tell you that dropping off is okay (depending on the size of the party).
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