My ds was invited to a birthday party for a friend from school. They are in kindergarten so I am assuming he is turning 6, my ds is only 5. Is it weird that I want to stay at the party? I did when he was in preschool, but I was wondering if this is still acceptable? My ds didn't go to preschool in this district and I don't know any of the parents. When I call to rsvp, do I just say 'are parents welcome to stay?" It's a 3 hour party at their house-thanks for any insight you can offer!
Former nest name=nettie
Mom to Nick 09/13/05, Isabel 07/20/07, and Tori 09/08/11

Re: Birthday Party-question
I bet a lot of the parents will stay. It seems like pre-school and kindergarten parties most of the parents stay, 1st and 2nd a few stay, and 3+ no one stays.
I just flat out ask if it's a drop off party or if parents are expected to stay. I will ask until DS is in K. After that I would probably assume that parents wouldn't stay.
DS - December 2006
DD - December 2008