Baby Names

Middle names for Gianna or Eliana?

So my husband and I are very settled on either the name Gianna or Eliana (YAY).  So far our only thought for a middle name is Giana Gabrielle or Eliana Eugenia (grandmother's middle name), but aren't 100 percent sold on it.  Family names we could use would be Jane or Lynn or I even thought about the middle name being Scott (husbands name) or Cruz (my maiden name).  I worry that both of these names are so beautiful that i feel like it needs a beautiful MN to match (like Gabrielle or Eugenia)....

 here are some of my thoughts....

Gianna Gabrielle
Gianna Cruz
Gianna Scott
Gianna Amelia 

Eliana Eugenia
Eliana Scott
Eliana Jane
Eliana Amelia

What do you ladies think? Very open to suggestions and thoughts!   

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Re: Middle names for Gianna or Eliana?

  • I would not want to use my husbands name for a middle name of a girl. First off, what if you have a boy later on down the line? Granted nothing is a guarantee, but still.  Using it for the middle name of a boy is better. AND your daughter will have your husbands family name as her last name. Represent your family here.

    I like representing family with middle names, so more so of flow or "beautiful"-ness of a name, I go for more of "Who is most worthy of having my daughter be a namesake".
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  • Love Eugenia. Love, love, love. I would use it with either name (Gianna or Eliana) to honor your grandmother.

    My second choice would be your maiden name. I think that middle names are all about meaning, and it would be wonderful to honor your family in that way.

  • Loading the player...
  • Gianna Gabrielle Yes
    Gianna Cruz  No
    Gianna Scott No
    Gianna Amelia Yes

    Eliana Eugenia  No
    Eliana Scott  No
    Eliana Jane  Yes
    Eliana Amelia  Yes

  • I like Gianna Lynn and Eliana Jane best.

    Danica 10.22.10 | Milo 12.23.12

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  • Since Gianna and Eliana are both longer first names,I prefer a short one or maybe two syllable mn (like Scott, Jane, Cruz, or Lynn). 
  • I like...

    Gianna Gabrielle
    Gianna Cruz
    Gianna Lynn
    Eliana Jane
    Eliana Cruz (I know that wasn't a choice)

    Eugenia is nice and unique too, I just feel like together with either Gianna or Eliana, it's going to be quite a mouthful. 

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