
Oh gosh Im a sobbing mess!

#6#6 member

For the last few nights the kids have been having "sleep overs" in each others rooms.  They pile blankets on the floor and snuggle up together on them and we listen to "sleepy music" on Pandora.  (I bring my laptop in) It is extremely sweet.  They fall asleep within minutes of getting settled.

Fast forward to today.  At work on my break I always check the news thing on my phone.  It has a few headlines from around the world.  Today there was a news story about a family whos farmhouse caught on fire.  The mom was milking cow, the father had left to take his milk truck somewhere.  7 children died ranging from 7 months up to 11 years.  OMG!  I cant even begin to imagine the heartache.  The only child to survive was a 3yr old who smelt smoke and ran out to the barn where the mother was.   

Then a co worker told me about a lady who ran an in home daycare and left 4 children alone while she went shopping.  Doesnt sound good huh?  It gets much worse.  The house catches on fire and 4 of the children died.  OGM!!  Those poor parents!  Angry, heartbroken, distraught.  That womans life is pretty much over.  

At my church there is a couple who have been trying to have a baby for 5yrs.  Their insurance doesnt cover fertility treatments and they really can not afford it.  She would have to have a surgery and then even after that and whatever treatment would be needed it is only a 50/50% chance she will conceive.

Fast forward to bedtime about an hour ago.  (we were late getting home after Landons basketball game and eating dinner out)  I cannot stop thinking about the families of those poor sweet children.  Add in the sappy lullabies and snuggling with my 3 I ended up just about bawling as they fell asleep.  Really makes you stop and think.  Even when my kids are on my last nerve and throwing awful tantrums at least they are happy, healthy, and here to get on my nerves.  The couple I go to church with just adore my kids and I always feel so guilty.  Last year on Mothers Day she broke down in church when all the kids were on the stage doing a MD program.  

Oh, and in our really tiny county where we hardly ever make the news and you never hear of horrible things happing a 7 month old baby was killed by her parents.  (shaken and beaten)  How could anyone do such horrible things to a baby?  Why?  

Ok.  Im going to go cry in a corner now.   

Re: Oh gosh Im a sobbing mess!

  • I hear ya! I was listening to that story on the news while making dinner tonight. Add that to the fact that my 19 year old cousin and his best friend were electrocuted and killed Thursday night, I've been a bit emotional as well. Definately been hugging the kiddos a little tighter and not taking things for granted.


  • #6#6 member
    Oh my Im so sorry!  Prayers for your family! 
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