Congrats on the twins! I "thought" I felt something at 18 weeks, but for sure around 20. Just wait until the is just amazing having two in there.
I felt them rolling around at about week 15, but wasn't convinced it was the babies at the time. I felt kicks by week 18.
Close to this for me. I thought i felt some movement at 16wk, and was sure at 18wk they were moving. I felt kicks at 20/21 weeks and they haven't stopped since!!
Like most people said, I thought I felt them move around 19ish weeks. I definitely felt baby B at 21 weeks. Baby A has an anterior placenta so her movements were more subtle earlier on.
Re: Movement
Close to this for me. I thought i felt some movement at 16wk, and was sure at 18wk they were moving. I felt kicks at 20/21 weeks and they haven't stopped since!!