

I am just curious, but when did you feel your twins move? We found out we were pregnant with twins at 9 weeks and we are now 11 wks and 1day..

Thank you in advance for your response.

Re: Movement

  • Congrats on the twins! I "thought" I felt something at 18 weeks, but for sure around 20.  Just wait until the is just amazing having two in there.  :)
  • I felt them rolling around at about week 15, but wasn't convinced it was the babies at the time. I felt kicks by week 18.
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  • I thought at 17, I was sure at 21.
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  • Felt flutters at 12 weeks. No kicks until about 20 weeks.
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  • imageMrsB*7*21:
    I felt them rolling around at about week 15, but wasn't convinced it was the babies at the time. I felt kicks by week 18.

    Close to this for me. I thought i felt some movement at 16wk, and was sure at 18wk they were moving. I felt kicks at 20/21 weeks and they haven't stopped since!!

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  • about 16/17...thought maybe it was gas until i felt it in the same place all the time around 20 weeks
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  • Like most people said, I thought I felt them move around 19ish weeks. I definitely felt baby B at 21 weeks. Baby A has an anterior placenta so her movements were more subtle earlier on. 
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