Cloth Diapering

Grapefruit Seed for Yeast

So DS is in sposies until his yeast rash clears up.  All of my CD's are clean but I need to disinfect them so I bought some grapefruit seed extract.  How do I do this..... hot or cold wash?  extra rinses?  do I use detergent as well?  Do I just put 60 drops right into the water?  Info please. TIA

Re: Grapefruit Seed for Yeast

  • I put mine in a downy ball with water and it worked fine.  I haven't had any trouble with GSE, I use a little in my wipe solution too and we've never had any kind of diaper rash at all.
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  • I have an HE, so I added the drops directly into the washer AFTER the regular wash, before the rinse cycle.  

    I did the normal cold rinse, hot wash, whatever the regular rinse is.  No extra rinses, unless you typically do to rinse out the soap. 


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