Cloth Diapering

Some prepping questions

I'm done buying diapers (for now Wink) and I'm ready to prep my newborn stash tomorrow- yay!! I read the FAQs and a link I saved from the cloth diaper whisperer, I just have a couple clarification questions.

I have both cotton and hemp prefolds (only 6 hemp, 24 cotton)- can I prep these together? I read about boiling prefolds, can I do this with both cotton and hemp together? And then I just wash/dry once- correct?

I also have some fitteds that I'm unsure of the prep process. Does anyone know if Thirsties Fab Fitted Duos have natural fibers in them (aka, they need to be prepped 5-6 times rather than just one)? Also, I have 1 GM and 1 MS- I know these have natural fabrics, but are they pre-prepped at all? Or do I do the 5-6 times for them as well?

Thank you!!

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

DD born 4/25/11
m/c 8/10/13 at 5.5 weeks
missed m/c 4/15/14 at 11.5 weeks, D&C 4/17/14
BFP 6/22/14, Scheduled c/s 2/23/15, It's a Girl!!  

Re: Some prepping questions

  • Yes, you can prep all natural fibers together. And yes, you can boil them, then wash and dry once.

    I've been told GM is pre-prepped. I washed/dried my MS 3X. No idea on the TFF

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