So this is probably normal, but I know that for my next baby I will want to have a VBAC but I'm afraid that if I hope for it, and work for it, and it doesn't happen... I will feel even WORSE and more disappointed than after my first unexpected c-section. Does that make sense? Any advice?
Re: Wanting a VBAC, but not wanting to hope for it.
I feel the same way. That said, if my C-section taught me anything, its that births are going to go their own way. I've done everything I can to set up the best possible situation for a successful VBAC. Now we have to see what my body will do.
I pretty much keep telling myself that I want a VBAC but my heart isn't set on it, I just want the opportunity to see what my body will do this time, if it will cooperate, and if not and I have another C-section its not the end of the world. After all, my last C-section brought my amazing son into this world safely and in the end, that is what matters.
I definitely agree... I guess what makes me sad about my c/s is that I KNOW that my body would have done it but I was so tired and unsupported that I kind of got bullied/scared into it and I'm SO mad that I caved. I just wish they'd have let me try, and now I'm afraid that I'm ruined and won't be able to every have a normal birth. Silly I know, but I guess it takes a little getting over.
I will be trying for a VBAC in around two months and I have the same fears. Unfortunately the risk you take when you decide to VBAC is that you might end up with another c/s. For some people, that's too much for them emotionally and they feel better scheduling a repeat c/s right off the bat, which I can completely understand. But personally, I just need to know that I tried to have a VBAC, even if it doesn't work out.
I worry I will be devastated if I have another c/s but I don't know if I will be. I was really unprepared emotionally for my first c/s. I had a healthy pregnancy--baby was head down, no high blood pressure or GD, etc. My doctor was well known for doing natural births. I dilated all the way and my nurse told me I was making good progress pushing, so at that point the thought of having a c/s was completely off my radar. So when my OB came in and told me I needed a c/s after all that labor and pushing and 9 months of everything looking perfect, it was shocking. This time, I don't think I'll be shocked. There's a big part of me that is expecting another c/s since it's the only way I've experienced birth, and so maybe I'll handle it better because of that?
I'm planning to write up a c/s birth plan. I know birth plans aren't a guarantee and we may not be able to do everything in the plan. But I'm hoping that way I will feel more prepared and more like I have a voice if I do end up with another c/s. And I think knowing I've done everything I could to have a vaginal birth will help.