
Looking like a gained weight not pregnant

I'm 16 weeks and while there are certain times that I definitely look pregnant, there are more times that I just feel like I've packed on the freshman 15 again - okay, that was over ten years ago and my body probably bounced back a lot better - but you get the point.

 At what point will I just look pregnant? Did other people feel this way?

 I remember going through this with my daughter, but it was later in my pregnancy and not as dramatic.

 At our ultrasound, I was measuring 22 weeks. That's a lot more than the actual 16 weeks that I am!

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Re: Looking like a gained weight not pregnant

  • I think thats pretty normal at the beginning, especially becuase of bloat. I didn't look obviously pregnant to others until the 18-22 week. I went from not showing at 16 weeks to showing a lot by 20 weeks so you will pop soon!
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  • Yeah I really had a growth spurt at 19-20 weeks. I think at 20 weeks I had a stranger ask when I was due, so I took that to mean I was showing "to the world" at that point! :)
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  • I think you will likely be popping in the next few weeks.  The bloat look/feeling is the worst!  Heheh...I used to walk around in the beginning with my hand on my belly to make it more obvious that I was pregnant and not gaining random weight.
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