Pre-School and Daycare

Chapter Books?

I was reading a blog which features a child DD's age. The mother has started reading chapter books to him (a little at a time). Do any of you do this? I think DD would sit for maybe a short chapter. Any suggestions for books to start with?
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Re: Chapter Books?

  • I started with dd at around age 4 1/2.  she is a reader and can sit and read all day long.  at first she asked where the pics were... I told her to close her eyes and listen to the story and make the pictures as I read... and she did. the chapter book is one that is more of short stories that link with a common character ... so one short chapter at a time.  usually if I read from it, I read it at bedtime.  and then I ask questions about it after I read... we discuss the characters and I know she listened and got it.   still, most nights we use regular old illustrated, short books.... she's reading more on her own at night and needs to see the pic as she sounds out some words so she can recognize them.  Her first chapter book was Mrs Piggle Wiggle's Magic

    my son does not have the same attention span and I probably won't start with him anytime soon. 

    picture books are important for learning to read.  they need to see the picture and learn of the story through the pics ... then they start connecting it to words on the page... see the short sentences and the order the words go (from left to right)... etc.  they need those books to learn to read.   I wouldn't rush to start chapter books b/c most <5 y/os don't really have the attention span to sit and just listen to a reader for a lengthy period of time.... and they need the picture books for language and reading development.   

  • My son is only two and a half and he enjoys the early reader chapter books like Henry and Mudge, Poppleton and Mr Putter. We have read all of them that our library has to offer so we are going to move on to Cam Jansen. My son loves it. He is happy to sit for a chapter or two each night. Try it!

    Other good ones: Frog and Toad!

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  • I guess when I think of chapter books, I think of the traditional definition of prose over illustration . most chapter books are for the 6-10 age group... were there may be a pic every few pages but the story is told primarily from prose with little aid from the illustrations, if any...  

    frog and toad is a great book... the hattie rabbit books are good ... as well as many of the early reader books.  My kids love Syd Hoff and other old I Can Read books... (barkley, danny and the dinosaur, morris goes to school) and the Harold and the Purple Crayon books.  Barnes and Noble  sells many of  these stories ... we have copies from when we were kids.  check the scholastic store online... they have great suggestions depending on the age group

    the illustration is as important as the words at this age. 

  • My preschooler can actually sit for quite a long time for reading & loves chapter books that I initially expected only her older sister would be interested in.  We've read some Junie B Jones, Ramona & Beezus, Little House on the Prairie- and my 3yo currently LOVES the Rapunzel book based on the recently released movie. 
  • My older DD will be 5 in June and they have just started reading some in her PreK class,  We have tried at home but neither of my kids (DD#2 will be 3 on Sunday) stay interested from night to night yet.  I think my older DD would be more interested if her sister was but they love having story time together so we don't push it.  I think most people start doing chapter books at around kindergarten age.
    Jenni Mom to DD#1 - 6-16-06 DD#2 - 3-13-08 
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