
What do you do for daycare?

After maternity leave ended, what did you do for daycare?


Re: What do you do for daycare?

  • I opted to stay at home.  My 71 year old mother lives with us so she's a big help but could not do this alone all day every day.  We lived spending only DH's salary for 2 years and saved my salary to make sure we could live on just one income.  This was always the plan, but then we were surprised with preemie twins with special needs so it worked out for the best.  Daycare for 2 special needs babies runs about $275/wk per baby in our area.
  • I was a FT graduate student when I went on bedrest, and I ended up going on a leave of absence so I could SAH with my preemies.
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  • We do a nanny-share.  My family and another with a baby have 1 nanny that watches both babies full-time.  One week we are at my house, the next week, we are at the other family's house.  The nanny does all the transportation of the babies.  We love it !!!
  • I decided to stay home with DS when he was born 6 weeks early. I now go to another house to care for triplets, their singleton brother, and my son. It is ideal, and I make some money too. I am only there 3 days per week, so the money is great for the amount of time I put in. At times it works as free birth-control Too! (only kidding!)Wink
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