Potty Training

XP: Silly question!

So glad I found this forum!  Perhaps you ladies can help me - I wasn't getting responses on my local board.  Thanks!

We want to buy a potty for LO.  Not really to start potty training him quite yet, but to get him used to it.  He is showing a lot of interest, and definitely lets us know when his diaper is really wet or is dirty.  Now for the question - any one that y'all recommend.  DH and I just stare with a glazed look on our faces!  Thanks!

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Re: XP: Silly question!

  • this is a pretty quiet board it seems... anyway it totally depends on your LO i think.  some people skip the little potty all together and just get the potty ring.  maybe take your LO to the store with you and let him pick one out?  then he'll feel proud to have it and more likely to use it?
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