Allison is sick, I mean puking her brains out sick. Right now, she is actually sleeping. I have my brother picking up Nathan from school at 2.
Here is the dilemma, I have to pick up Kailtyn at 3, she has the first day of her reading club. I have to go in the school to get her. I really, really don't want to take Allison into the school (obvious reasons) There is a front circle and I have to go in the front lobby to get Kailtyn (they won't let the kids just walk out) Do I leave Nathan and Allison in the car (Nathan is 11) to run in and get Kaitlyn? (I have never, ever left them in the car, but it is in the front of the school) Today is not a good day to be sick!
Re: I have a dilemma, do I or don't I?
I wish, I'm not even sure who is in the program. They also want to know if someone else is picking up your child in writing before the program.
An 11 year old? Absolutely, I'd leave them in the car.
I'd do this and ask if there was someone who could walk her to the front door and then you can get her from there. I don't really have a problem leaving the kids in the car, but only if I can see them. I assume you can't from inside the school.
DS - December 2006
DD - December 2008
Definitely ok at 11 yo.
Charlotte Ella 07.16.10
Emmeline Grace 03.27.13
Another vote here.
Yes, seriously.
This place is insane sometimes. The kid is ELEVEN! I'm pretty sure the law is that an eleven year old (it might be twelve) can stay home by themselves.
They will be fine in the car for 5 minutes while you run in and get her.
Yep. That's what I would do.
Alex (11/14/06) and Nate (5/25/10)
"Want what you have, do what you can, be who you are." - Rev. Forrest Church
I seriously had to scroll back up and reread. ELEVEN?! how is that even a question? Do the people who responded to ask another mom to watch them think the kid is 1?
Another vote for yes. I would think there would be other parents picking up their kids at the same time. You could ask one of them to watch the car for a minute while you run in.
AGREE 100%
Liam is 5!
I'd hesitate even though he's 11 because a sick sibling is a lot to handle.
The only reason I would hesitate to leave my 11 year old with his 5 year old sister in the car would be if you think the 5 year old will start puking while you are away.
But holy smokes, second guessing leaving an 11 year old in a car for a few minutes? I mean, how on earth does he get to and from school every day? How does he walk to his classes? Friend's homes?
Sorry to rant, but, wow. Eleven.