I like Colton, but it's nms. I think it is a great name though. If I were to use it I prefer Colten, I just think it looks better with not so many O's. Good luck !
Okay, Colton is definitely the one we both like and is at the top of the list. What don't you like about Colton?
I don't hate Colton. But I think it is the "trendiest" of your list. It wasn't on anyone's radar at all until a few years ago and then it saw a huge spike in popularity. Spikes like that usually "date" a name. It will be considered "very 2011" in the future. Or maybe not, its definitely not a reason to absolutely rule out the name, but it's enough to make it my least favorite of your list.
Thanks for your input! DH tends to relate names to sports and plans to call him Colt. I originally liked Colby with a nn of Cole and Colton seemed to fit both of our needs.
I feel like I need to see him first before I can decide but I hate to be at that moment and still be unsure.
Re: Sibling for Brady
I like Owen and Nolan and I think either would make a great brother to Brady.
Don't worry too much... eight weeks is plenty of time and you can always wait until you meet your new baby before making the final decision.
love nolan!
second choice is owen.
I don't hate Colton. But I think it is the "trendiest" of your list. It wasn't on anyone's radar at all until a few years ago and then it saw a huge spike in popularity. Spikes like that usually "date" a name. It will be considered "very 2011" in the future. Or maybe not, its definitely not a reason to absolutely rule out the name, but it's enough to make it my least favorite of your list.
Thanks for your input! DH tends to relate names to sports and plans to call him Colt. I originally liked Colby with a nn of Cole and Colton seemed to fit both of our needs.
I feel like I need to see him first before I can decide but I hate to be at that moment and still be unsure.
I know a sibset of Brady, Clint and Blake :-)
In order my favs are
Nolan, Owen, Bennett, Colton
We are considering both Nolan and Owen, I like the other two on your list too, but DH isn't a fan.