So my DH and I have talked/joked about naming our first son Abraham since we were dating. Eight years later we are faced with actually have a child to name! We are team green, so there's only a fifty % chance we'll use the name, but my DH really really loves it! I'm not so sure. I like it, but I'm worried that our families will think it's weird. We do live in IL, but I don't know if people will think it's unique, or it will remind them of Abe Lincoln. He would be Abraham David. What do you think?
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Re: Abraham?
This. My neighbors recently named their 2nd son Abraham.
Good, strong name. I also think of the Abraham of the Bible. Love the nn Abe. I also like the suggestion of using Abram...similar, still unique, and just a bit shorter.
PAL/PGAL Welcome
I love it! My Abraham John just turned one. We call him Abe most of the time.