Secondary IF

ET done!

It went very well! 2 embryos transferred, a grade AA and a grade AB.  Off to rest and put my feet up.  Hope everyone is having a great day!

Re: ET done!

  • Yay, that's awesome!
    Warning No formatter is installed for the format bbhtml
  • Great news! Stick, little embies! Good luck :)
    Me: 35 I DH: 38
    *TW loss and children mentioned*
    DD:2006 | Dx: Unexplained Secondary Infertility | DS: 2011

    TFAS since 2012

    Oct 16: Spontaneous BFP | m/c @ 9w1d (massive SCH) | D&C
    Apr 17: IUI #1 = BFN
    May 17: IUI #2 = BFN
    Jun 17: IUI #3 = Late BFP (18 DPO) | NMC 17Jul17 @ ~6w
    Aug 17: IUI #4 = Cancelled due to premature ovulation | TI = BFN
    Sep 17: IUI #5 = Cancelled due to overstimulation (10+ follies)
    Nov 17: IVF #1 = Cancelled due to non-IF related health issue | TI = BFN
    Dec 17: IVF #1 = Puregon 200, Menopur 75, Orgalutran, Suprefact trigger due to OHSS risk | 22R, 18M, 16F, 10B frozen  
    Feb 18: FET #1 (medicated) = BFN
    Mar 18: FET #2 (natural cycle) = CP (beta 1: 54; beta 2: 0)
    Apr 18: FET #3 (natural cycle) = cancelled due to missed ovulation
    Apr 18: FET #3 (natural cycle) = BFP! Beta 1: 201  Beta 2: 585 Beta 3: 3254 Beta 4: 9715 U/S 19May - one bean measuring on track with a HB of 125!
    EDD: 07Jan2019 Team Green
    My Rainbow Baby Boy born 03Jan2019 <3 

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  • Holy awesome grade embies.  Stick babies stick!!!
    Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
    "Just keep swimming, just keep swimming..."
  • JMayJMay member
    Great news!!!  Let the wait begin, and may it go by quickly!
    "Just keep swimming, just keep swimming..."

    Miracle DD born 12.2005
    TTC #2 since Dec 2008 w/ PCOS
    ***P/SAIF Always Welcome***

    Keep it Natural, Baby!
  • That is awesome!  Snuggle in embies, snuggle in!
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker imageimage
    TTC #2 since Nov '07
    Tried 4 cycles of Clomid, TI, Gonal-f, and IUI's - all BFFN's
    Both tubes removed Nov '09
    Low AMH = 0.3
    IVF #1 for Feb '10 - cancelled due to poor response - Gonal-f and Repronex
    IVF #1.2 for June '10 - Gonal-f, Menopur, and micro Lupron
    ER - 6/19 (2 retrieved), ET - 6/22 (1 transferred with ICSI), Beta 7/5 = BFFN
    IVF #2 for Nov '10 was cancelled due to poor response - Follistim, Repronex, and micro Lupron
    IVF #2.2 for Feb '11 - Gonal-f, Repronex, and Ganirelix
    ER - 2/24 (8 retrieved), ET - 3/1 (2 transferred with ICSI), froze 3, Beta 3/11 = BFFN
    FET - 4/19 (3 transferred), Beta 4/28 = BFP, EDD 1/4/12
  • yay!  congrats!  great embryos too!  Best of luck!!!
    Daughter born July 2008; Daughter born March 2010 Son born August 2011
  • Great, great news! Enjoy being pregnant with twins! :-)
    DS #1 born 11/23/06 - our IVF miracle! Missing our sweet baby who was spontaneously conceived. 20 week loss on 6/24/10. DS #2 born 10/22/11 at 38w1d after FET #1. Life is GOOD!!!!!
  • That's great!  Good luck!
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    TTC #2, Operative hysteroscopy March 2011; IVF #1 long lupron protocol April 2011-cancelled due to poor response; IVF #2 flare protocol May 2011=hospitalization due to abdominal hemorrhage during ER and no fert due to MFI issues. Moving onto international adoption from Moldova January 2013!
  • Thta is great news. I hope your embies are snuggling in!
    DD: Grace (8/19/2007)
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    DD: Harper (11/27/2011) Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Thanks so much girls, feels wonderful to know that I am not in this journey alone.
  • Best wishes for a BFP!
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
    DMoney will be a kickass big sister
    Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Third Birthday tickers
  • Congrats!  This may sound stupid what what are the grades?  My embryologist never said anything about the grading of the embies.
    TTC 18+ months, Started first round of IVF 01/11 ER 02/13/10 5 ice babies FET 04/19/2011 2 embies transferred, 1st HCG on 04/29 - BFN FET 07/07/2011 3 embies to be transferred Anniversary
  • Yay!!  Take it easy, and I can't wait to hear your announcement!!
    imageLilypie Premature Baby tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers image Doriimage
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