I have vacation on the brain. This is going to be a long week and I'm kind of bored so I decided to do a GTKY. Hope you are all having a good Monday!
What countries have your traveled to?
What was your worst travel/vacation experience?
What is your favorite place on Earth?
Name an exotic place you would like to go on vacation.
Re: Bored--How about a Vacation GTKY? (NTTGPR)
What countries have your traveled to? England, France, Germany, Italy, Austria, Belgium, Greece, Switzerland, Spain, India, does Canada count?, Mexico, St. Martin, St. Barts
What was your worst travel/vacation experience? - I have always had good ones
What is your favorite place on Earth? - hmm hard to choose, I like the caribbean because of the beaches but I love Europe, all the culture and a great lifestyle
Name an exotic place you would like to go on vacation. - Maldives.
What countries have your traveled to? All over the US and Canada, England, Scotland, and Mexico.
What was your worst travel/vacation experience? Worst had to be England, although I loved the country. The reason why it was the worst because I was sooooo sick. I was supposed to be performing but I had a raging fever, and other flu symptoms nearly the whole time I was there.
What is your favorite place on Earth? Well of the places I have visited I would say Mexico. It was so relaxing and beautiful but I think I would have appreciated Scotland more had I been older.
Name an exotic place you would like to go on vacation. Not sure if it is considered exotic but I would love to visit Greece sometime.
What countries have your traveled to? Mexico, England, Ireland, almost all Islands in the Caribbean
What was your worst travel/vacation experience? I went on a cruise from Key West to Cozumel and back to Key West and it was horrible! The stabilizers on the boat broke and I got so sick. You couldn't even walk down the hall without swaying from side to side.
What is your favorite place on Earth? Anywhere with a beach
Name an exotic place you would like to go on vacation. Hmmm not sure if it is considered exotic but I would love to go to Australia!IVF #1 with ICSI - ER 1/20 (16R, 12M, 10F), ET 1/23 (1-10 cell and 1-8cell transferred), BFP on 1/31 Beta #1 on 2/3 = 68, Beta #2 on 2/6 = 261 EDD 10/12/12
Now I want a vacation so badly!
dx: LPD & low progesterone 11/2011
BFP #1 August 23
What countries have your traveled to? USA, Canada, Mexico, Belize, Costa Rica, Greece, UK (England, Ireland, Scotland, Wales), Germany, France, Belgium.
What was your worst travel/vacation experience? RyanAir flight from London to Dublin. They didn't even bother to load ANY of the luggage onto the plane. Really rough landing (we thought we were crashing). And it was just a quick weekend trip. Luggage finally caught up with me on the last day. My BFF and I had a major falling out that trip and we rarely spoke again afterwards.
What is your favorite place on Earth? "Home"
Name an exotic place you would like to go on vacation. Madagascar
ETA: I forgot Belgium til I read someone else's post. How could I forget that chocolate?
Where am I going? And why am I in this handbasket?
What countries have your traveled to? Only place I've been outside the US is Russia. I want to see more of the world! ETA: Costa Rica in 6 days.
What was your worst travel/vacation experience? We went on a rock-climbing road trip for spring break one year and it rained the WHOLE time. We were camping and our tent leaked. Then when we got home, my boyfriend at the time ended up in the ER at 5 a.m. (like 5 hours after getting home finally) needing his appendix out. We had gotten into a fight because he wanted to climb one more day and I wanted to go home. I won. It's a good thing or else his appendix would have burst in the middle of nowhere.... That was one crappy trip.
What is your favorite place on Earth? Anywhere in the mountains!
Name an exotic place you would like to go on vacation. Kind of depends on what "exotic" means...I like going off the beaten path. I really want to go to North Africa (once it's stable), the Australian outback, Argentinian patagonia, Nepal, India, Tibet, more of Eastern Europe, etc.What countries have your traveled to? Mexico, Spain, Germany, Holland, Belgium, Canada, Jamaica, Antigua, St. Lucia, St. Kitts, Barbados
What was your worst travel/vacation experience? I have been lucky and haven't had any horrible travel experiences. One of the scariest experiences while traveling was when I went to Jamaica with a friend. She was missing for 5 hours and I was terrified!!! I knew she was with one of the hotel employees but I didn't know where. Our cellphones didn't work, so I called the manager and talked with him. The manager called the employee and located them. Once I knew she was safe, I left a note in the hotel room and went to the beach. I was livid and needed to relax. It worked and we made it home safely.
What is your favorite place on Earth? I don't know... but one of my favorite vacations was traveling the Maya ruins in Mexico.
Name an exotic place you would like to go on vacation. Tahiti.
What countries have your traveled to? U.S., Spain, France, Italy, England, Monaco, Germany, Dominican Republic
What was your worst travel/vacation experience? Spain - the men were absolutely disgusting and a girl I went on the trip with was sexually assaulted on the overnight train ride we took from Madrid to Barcelona (while she was walking back from the bathroom). I will never go back to that country again.
What is your favorite place on Earth? I'm partial to Canadian soil since we have such an amazingly beautiful country, but I also really loved Italy (Florence especially) and DH and I plan to go back there for our 10th anniversary and travel the Mediterranean coast.
Name an exotic place you would like to go on vacation. I've always wanted to go to Thailand.
ETA: Let me just clarify that Spain was beautiful, but the men really turned me off of enjoying my trip. I won't go back merely on principle. I'd rather spend my money going somewhere where I feel comfortable and safe.
*TW loss and children mentioned*
Apr 17: IUI #1 = BFN
May 17: IUI #2 = BFN
Jun 17: IUI #3 = Late BFP (18 DPO) | NMC 17Jul17 @ ~6w
Aug 17: IUI #4 = Cancelled due to premature ovulation | TI = BFN
Sep 17: IUI #5 = Cancelled due to overstimulation (10+ follies)
Nov 17: IVF #1 = Cancelled due to non-IF related health issue | TI = BFN
Dec 17: IVF #1 = Puregon 200, Menopur 75, Orgalutran, Suprefact trigger due to OHSS risk | 22R, 18M, 16F, 10B frozen
Feb 18: FET #1 (medicated) = BFN
Mar 18: FET #2 (natural cycle) = CP (beta 1: 54; beta 2: 0)
EDD: 07Jan2019 Team Green
My Rainbow Baby Boy born 03Jan2019
Married 11/24/2007
TTC since 11/2010
Diagnosed with MFI and advanced maternal aging
IVF with ICSI transferred 2 embies 3/3/2012
BFP 3/10/2012
EDD 11/22/2012
My Blog:

What countries have your traveled to? England, France, Italy, Spain, El Salvador
What was your worst travel/vacation experience? I went to El Salvador for a mission trip. I went to the hospital for crazy bug bites. I got hit in the head with a shovel and I came home with mutant head lice. I've had better trips.
What is your favorite place on Earth? The mountains of northern New Mexico and Colorado.
Name an exotic place you would like to go on vacation. DH really wants to go backpacking in Japan.What countries have your traveled to? Just the US and France. We moved to France two months after we got married, and lived there for 10 months.
What was your worst travel/vacation experience? Oh my gosh. Every time we flew from France to the US (or vice versa). I hate flying, and I hate airports, so loading up everything and running through terminals was awful. They lost our bags in Paris once, and we stayed in our apartment in France with no spare clothing for three days. And it was winter, so we were freezing.
What is your favorite place on Earth? Can it be somewhere I haven't been yet? Because Ireland is amazing and it's probably my favorite.
Name an exotic place you would like to go on vacation. I'd love to go to Barbados! I have some family who lived there, and it looks great.
What countries have your traveled to? All over the U.S., Canada, UK, Belgium, The Netherlands, France, Japan, Antigua.
What was your worst travel/vacation experience? Our flight out of Antigua was cancelled and we had to spend the night in Charlotte, NC. The worst part was waiting outside in the freezing cold at 2 AM for a shuttle bus to pick us up from the airport and take us to the Econo-Lodge. I was also 5 months PG at the time.
What is your favorite place on Earth? Home in Hawaii.
Name an exotic place you would like to go on vacation. Too many to list here, but my top choices are Australia / New Zealand and the Seychelles.
What countries have your traveled to? Mexico, Aruba and Puerto Rico (is this technically a country though??)
What was your worst travel/vacation experience? Although the vacations themselves are never bad, I've had multiple horrible experiences with Delta airlines. At least they were with my entire family, so we have some airport memories that we can laugh about now!
What is your favorite place on Earth? That's really hard to answer! We have family vacations to Myrtle Beach every year, but that is probably more about the company. Aruba has a special place in my heart though, too.
Name an exotic place you would like to go on vacation. I would love to visit Bora Bora.
Trying for #1 since May 2010 l DX ~ Unexplained Infertility June 2011
IUI #1&2 = BFN; IUI #3 = BFP, m/c @ 6 weeks
November '11 ~ IVF#1 ~ ER 11/18 (29R, 17F) ~ 5dt of one beautiful blast on 11/23 = BFP!!
Beta #1 9dp5dt = 116, P4 = 28 ~ Beta #2 13dp5dt = 700 ~ Beta #3 20dp5dt = 9500, P4 = 26
1st u/s 12/27 - hb of 156!! EDD 8.10.12
Sweet baby boy born 8.18.12
Trying for #2
FET #1 - October '13 - c/p l FET #2 - December '13 - cancelled
l FET #2.2 - 1.30.14 - BFN
~ More testing - hysteroscopy, endometrial biopsy & more b/w - all normal / negative~
Surprise BFP while waiting on FET #3 ~ beta #1 500; beta #2 1600; first u/s 4/3 - measuring 5w5d, no hb yet!; 2nd u/s 4/10 - hb 132, measuring 6w6d - EDD 11.29.14
Beautiful baby girl born 11.24.14
What countries have your traveled to? Mexico and Canada
What was your worst travel/vacation experience? I haven't really had a bad one, thank goodness.
What is your favorite place on Earth? I love love love DisneyLand. And San Diego to visit. But my favorite place on Earth has to be my farm. Cheesy, I know, but every time I step outside it makes me so happy to know that it's mine.
Name an exotic place you would like to go on vacation. Bora Bora! Or Madagascar, that's where my little sister is, and I want to go just to see her!
What countries have your traveled to? I've only been out of the country on cruises, so it was the usual stops - Cozumel, Mexico; Roatan, Honduras; St Thomas, St Martin, Bahamas.
What was your worst travel/vacation experience? Our last cruise was in April 2010 on Carnival Dream. The first stop was Cozumel and we went to Paradise Beach. It was beautiful, not too many people, we did parasailing, had a lot of fruity drinks, I got to hold a little monkey (lol) and we went on all the cool things they had in the water like a trampoline, big climbing thing, etc. I had put a 50 SPF on DH & I. Only problem was that I didn't reapply. I ended up with such a bad sunburn, I STILL have the tan lines from it, and a spot on my back that is constantly itchy (Had my doc look at it). We ended up not being able to go to the next Island because we were so burnt, we just laid in bed all day ow-ing and ouch-ing.
What is your favorite place on Earth? Disney World.
Name an exotic place you would like to go on vacation. Probably Australia or Bora Bora, but I don't know if I can handle the flights. I'd have to have quite a few drinks to get on a plane for that long.
Here's a pic of the sunburn, I really didn't want to put this top on, but wearing a bra put me in such pain! It doesn't look too bad here, this was that night, the next day was horrible. I certainly learned my lesson. This Irish girl just can't handle the Mexican sun!!
What countries have your traveled to? Mexico, England, Spain, France, Italy, Argentina, Uruguay, Brazil, South Africa... that's all I can think of.
What was your worst travel/vacation experience? I got terrible food poisoning during one of my trips to Spain. The trip as a whole was wonderful but there was one awful day of puking!
What is your favorite place on Earth? South Africa = Pure amazing.
Name an exotic place you would like to go on vacation. I'd like to try someplace else in Africa and I'd also like ot check out Asia since I haven't made it to that continent yet (but I'm not sure which country I'd like to visit there)
9/2010: First visit to RE = CD3 b/w (normal); CD7 ultrasound (normal); DH's SA (normal but morph wasn't analyzed, so doc ordered a 2nd SA); Prog. supplements starting 3dpo for all future cycles
10/2010: SHG to check tubes (normal!) & DH's 2nd SA (normal)
2/2011: Start first Clomid + Ovidrel + IUI cycle = BFN
3/2011: IUI # 2 (Clomid + 50iu Follistim + Estradiol + IUI) = BFP!!!
Beta #1 (14 dpo)= 161
Beta #2 (17 dpo)= 518
Beta #3 (24 dpo)= 7,728
BFP Chart
Ryder arrived a month early on November 28, 2011!
BFP Chart 2.0 - First cycle trying without RE intervention!
What countries have your traveled to? Germany, Spain, Mexico, Canada
What was your worst travel/vacation experience? We booked our flights 6 months in advance, picked out seats when we booked....get to the airport, check in, get to the gate and are called up and told we had no seats and had to fly stand by and were only offered $50 each to comp us. I totally flipped! We were lucky that 5 minutes before the flight left 2 people willingly gave up their seats for us. I will NEVER EVER EVER fly continental again!
What is your favorite place on Earth? DISNEY WORLD!!!!!!!
Name an exotic place you would like to go on vacation. Either Bali or Fiji!
I have a friend who moved to Halifax and he LOVES it! Makes me want to visit sometime!
What was your worst travel/vacation experience? We had a destination wedding in Las Vegas. We had paid extra to have a direct flight from Raleigh to Vegas first thing in the morning bc I had appointments most of that day with my wedding vendors and also had plans to go out that night with my bridesmaids, sister, aunts, and mom.
If I wasn't stressed enough already, upon boarding the plane (and sitting there for over an hour) they let us know that the plane has mechanical issues that can't be solved. We had to unload and they told us it would probably be at least 8 hours before we could get another plane. I was sooo upset. By the time we got to Vegas, I had missed all of my appointments and didn't even make it to dinner before our show was starting. Had to eat McDonald's....I was in the worst mood!
What is your favorite place on Earth? Las Vegas, Key West, and Punta Cana
Name an exotic place you would like to go on vacation. There aren't many places I WOULDN'T like to go! I'd say top 5: Hawaii, Italy, Greece, Austrailia/New Zealand, and Tahiti.
What countries have your traveled to? Not so many countries as "places"- Mexico, Canada, bunch of Caribbean islands, and a lot of US travel like Hawaii, California, Vegas, Seattle. I love to travel.. I think it is so important to get away and experience new things.
What was your worst travel/vacation experience? Probably when our rental car broke down in the middle of nowhere in the Nevada desert on the way back to Vegas from Grand Canyon for 7 hours with in-laws. We had no cell reception.. it was a terrible experience and I had a semi-nervous breakdown!
What is your favorite place on Earth? Well I live in New England, so I am pretty partial to the Cape & Islands and White Mountains..
Name an exotic place you would like to go on vacation. Not so much "exotic" but I am looking forward to getting to Italy in the near future. Costa Rica hopefully soon too.
What was your worst travel/vacation experience? The flight back from Hawaii and having to drive home because our plane was diverted because of weather.
What is your favorite place on Earth? The beach on Moorea. I liked Moorea better than Bora Bora, hands down! Just something to consider if you're wanting to go!
Name an exotic place you would like to go on vacation. Antarctica!
What countries have your traveled to? New Zealand, England, Ireland, Wales, Scotland, Bahamas, Tahiti, Israel, Cyprus, Czech Republic, France, Greece, United Arab Emirates
What was your worst travel/vacation experience? Senior year spring break in the Bahamas. It was a drunken grossfest.
What is your favorite place on Earth? Port Townsend, Washington. My family has a cottage on a nature preserve overlooking the water there (my siggy last month had a picture of it, we got engaged there). It's the quaintest little town and I just adore it.
Name an exotic place you would like to go on vacation. Italy. Does that count as exotic?IUI #1=BFN
IUI #2=BFP! Beta#1:87 Beta #2:1050
~It's a GIRL!~
"Anyone can give up, it's the easiest thing in the world to do. But to hold it together when everyone else would understand if you fell apart, that's true strength."
What countries have your traveled to? Canada, Mexico
What was your worst travel/vacation experience? Road-tripping with my ex. I should have ended it after that, but sadly, I'm not that smart.
What is your favorite place on Earth? In terms of where I'm dying to go, Ireland.
Name an exotic place you would like to go on vacation. "Exotic" to me implies beaches. I hate beaches, so I guess nowhere. Unless I can stay inland. I pick Australia in that case.
P/SAIF Welcome
Invisible Finish Line
3T's Traveling Ovary Blog
7DPO Progesterone: low. CD3 BW: normal, HSG: clear
DX: severe MFI (low all 3) and low T. Undergoing replacement therapy.
What countries have your traveled to? US, Mexico, and Canada
What was your worst travel/vacation experience? I really can't think of a bad one at the moment.
What is your favorite place on Earth? currently... Nassau, Bahamas I really want to go back and stay at the Atlantis Resort.
Name an exotic place you would like to go on vacation. ItalyWhat countries have your traveled to? england, france, czech republic, spain, and india
What was your worst travel/vacation experience? i haven't had any *knock on wood*
What is your favorite place on Earth? london
Name an exotic place you would like to go on vacation. hawaii or fiji
What countries have your traveled to? Switzerland, Germany, Holland, France
What was your worst travel/vacation experience? A disaster of a ski trip in Colorado. The whole trip from start to finish was a giant snowball of things going wrong.
What is your favorite place on Earth? Hawaii
Name an exotic place you would like to go on vacation. New ZealandWhat countries have your traveled to?England, France, Italy, Monaco, Switzerland, Chile, Argentina, Brazil, Mexico, Canada, Aruba
What was your worst travel/vacation experience? On our way to our honeymoon when our flight was diverted due to thunderstorms. We got in about 5 hours late. Or another time when a flight was diverted and we sat on the tarmac for 6 hours and I had my 4 month old son with me. But he kept me calm!
What is your favorite place on Earth? Breckenridge, CO
Name an exotic place you would like to go on vacation. Turks and Caicos
What countries have your traveled to? Just Mexico, Spain and Portugal
What was your worst travel/vacation experience? Umm the worst....IDK. I love vacations. LOL. My first plane ride was bad though - we went out to Seattle (I was in 4th grade) and our flight was delayed so we missed our connecting flight, so we had to spend the night in Detroit, and then our luggage took another 4 days to make it out there. That sucked. But the trip itself was good besides that.
What is your favorite place on Earth? the beach when it's warm. Any beach. I'm not picky. I love being on a beach and looking at the water.
Name an exotic place you would like to go on vacation. I'm in the mood for either thailand or Italy....we'll see. I asked H if we don't get pregnant in the next few months, if we can take a break and go on a big trip somewhere.
ETA: I forgot, I've been to the Bahamas and Jamaica.
Um this is awful. I am so sorry such a thing happened to someone you knew....but PLEASE do not let it turn you off from Spain. I lived there for 6 months and never once felt unsafe or uncomfortable. I completely get how an experience like that would turn you off, but I think if you gave spain a second chance, you might love it. It's a fabulous country!