Hi Ladies,
I posted this on pregnant after IF and didn?t really get many responses so I thought I would try here.
Did any of you have a 5 week ultrasound? I just had mine and we only saw a tiny, fuzzy sac that my RE isn?t even 100% sure is a sac. I had my 1st beta at 8dt5dt and it was already 146 and they have been doubling ever since so more than one is a possibility.
I?m wondering if any of you had a 5 week ultrasound, didn?t see much and then went back and found out you had twins?
I?ve had 3 chemicals prior to this and I?m dying hear some success stories in situations like mine!
Thank you!
Re: 5 week u/s-Help
5 weeks is kind of early to see anything. I'd wait till at least 6-7 weeks. Your beta numbers are good, but not indicative of multiples.
The earliest I had my u/s was 5w6d and they were definitely able to see a both sacs and yolk sacs, but no fetal poles yet. Then I went in at 6w6d and both fetal poles were there and with heartbeats.
congrats on your pg! Your beta is a good one - but doesn't mean anything re: multiples... but i'm guessing you transferred more than one embie- so you do have a chance, huh?
at 5w they saw two sacs for me- but nothing else... and a few days later they saw everything including heartbeats - every day counts so much early on- it's a horrible waiting game, but sadly- that's all you can do - wait and pray.
best of luck to you at your next US!
Cut the Crap - Weight loss journey of a Few Fat Chicks
I know that my numbers don?t necessarily mean multiples, I?m just hoping because my beta was over 2500 the day of my ultrasound. My RE thinks if it was just one baby we should have seen a clearly defined sac with numbers that high. She doesn?t go by days, she goes by hcg numbers. She said you should be able to see a sac with a beta over 1100 and I was more than double that and we really couldn?t see anything.
I did have 3 embies transferred so there is a chance for more than one.
At 4w3d, I saw 2 sacs. 6w3d there were 2 sacs and 2 hb's.
Good luck!
I went in for my first sono at 6w1d (or so I thought by my lmp), they were unable to detect a heartbeat. They were only able to view a sac. I went back one week later expecting the worse and come to find out I was only 5w1d and this time they saw 2 sacs with 2 strong heartbeats. Btw, my beta levels were actually in the lower normal range too, so it doesn't always mean that high beta levels mean twins. I hope this helps.