
When someone hurts your feelings, do you let them know or hold it in?

I got an email from a family member today. Basically, it was an "inspiration" they read that they thought I needed to see it.

Bottom line is that if I am positive and loving around pregnant women and people having babies then I will get pregnant faster.

The more I think about it, the more it bothers me. I have always maintained a positive outlook and I have never acted in a non-loving way with people who are having babies. I will admit, that I do have moments of like why her and why not me, but it's usually just a moment or two.

I know the person wouldn't intentionally hurt my feelings, but it did and I just don't buy being positive will cure everything at this stage of reality. 

Audrey Elizabeth 11-11-06 image

Re: When someone hurts your feelings, do you let them know or hold it in?

  • It sounds to me like this person was trying to be helpful, and not trying to hurt you. In this case I wouldnt say anything. I am sorry it hurt your feelings though
  • I think people can be terribly insensitive about infertility if they have not experienced it. I think usually people are clueless about how much it hurts and are trying to be helpful; that's how I'd take it.
    DD 7.28.06 * DS 3.29.10

    Christmas 2011
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  • I would totally say something. But I'm not one to hold anything in. I'm sure they weren't trying to hurt your feelings, but thatshit is obnoxious and hurtful in and of itself. (((HUGS)))
    Kill all my demons and my angels might die too. -Tennessee Williams

    You take my ovaries, I take your yarns.
  • I used to be the type to hold it in but now I let people know. I don't care if they meant to or not. Sometimes people need to know so they don't keep doing it and upsetting you or someone else. Just b/c a person has good intentions doesn't make it ok or right.

  • I think I'd say something - in a non-confrontational way (like an email back) that you appreciate her thinking of you, but that you were hurt by that - that you are generally a very positive person. Explain how hard IF is, and that you'd just appreciate her T&P rather than passing on something like she did. 

    And (((Hugs))) to you.  

  • I'm sorry, people are full of good intentions, as annoying as they are. I usually just vent to MH and that's the end of it. I find it's rarely beneficial to have those kinds of chats with people.

    Me with my littlest.
  • imagewinery:
    I'm sorry, people are full of good intentions, as annoying as they are. I usually just vent to MH and that's the end of it. I find it's rarely beneficial to have those kinds of chats with people.

    This is what I did. I did tell my sister too though.  

    Audrey Elizabeth 11-11-06 image
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