How long did you swaddle your babies for??
The boys are 4 Months and we are still swaddling them, Not their arms just their body. They love it. It wasnt til yesterday in Babies R Us when DH picked up this footed pajama that was probably for a 5 yr old and said holding the sleeper " We are gonna be still swaddling them when they are in this" I laughed so hard but starting wondering how long you swaddle for.
Re: Swaddle Question??
We swaddled until 6 months for naps and 7 months for night-time. Full-body with bat-wings and they loved it. I was so scared that they would never learn how to sleep with out it, but they are just fine now with sleep sacks. It really only took about a week for them to get used to it.
My pedi did tell me no rush. I do know of a friend who swaddled until 1.
My girls started rolling belly to back around 3.5 months but they weren't doing it at night. I tried to stop swaddling cold turkey and it was a disaster. I talked to my pedi about it and we used sleep positioners when they hit 4 months and were rolling over consistently. Shortly after 4 months- I think about 4.5 months we stopped swaddling cold turkey and let them belly sleep. BEST sleep they ever got!
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