
Swaddle Question??

How long did you swaddle your babies for??

The boys are 4 Months and we are still swaddling them, Not their arms just their body. They love it. It wasnt til yesterday in Babies R Us when DH picked up this footed pajama that was probably for a 5 yr old and said  holding the sleeper " We are gonna be still swaddling them when they are in this" I laughed so hard but starting wondering how long you swaddle for.

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Re: Swaddle Question??

  • We swaddled until they were almost 6 months old. We stopped when they learned to roll over.
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  • We swaddled until they were 4 months and started rolling back to belly. Then our pedi said we had to stop swaddling. We actually transitioned really easily into sleepsacks, which we still use.
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  • all 3 of my boys were swaddled until 6mo - arms and all - they all loved it.
  • We are still swaddling from the waist down at nearly 4 months old.  I expect that in the next month or so, we will transition to sleep sacks.
  • We swaddled until 5 months. Both of my boys were total swaddle-holics! Once we stopped swaddling though, they both started sleeping on their tummies.
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  • We swaddled until 6 months for naps and 7 months for night-time. Full-body with bat-wings and they loved it. I was so scared that they would never learn how to sleep with out it, but they are just fine now with sleep sacks. It really only took about a week for them to get used to it. 

    My pedi did tell me no rush. I do know of a friend who swaddled until 1.  

  • They'll be 8 months this week, and we still swaddle from the waist down.  I'm sure they'd be fine if we stopped, but I still keep putting it on.
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  • My girls started rolling belly to back around 3.5 months but they weren't doing it at night.  I tried to stop swaddling cold turkey and it was a disaster.  I talked to my pedi about it and we used sleep positioners when they hit 4 months and were rolling over consistently.  Shortly after 4 months- I think about 4.5 months we stopped swaddling cold turkey and let them belly sleep.  BEST sleep they ever got!

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  • We stopped swaddling our son around 3 or 4 months I think but only because he was ready not to be swaddled. But really I just wanted to post to say, "Your babies are ADORABLE!!!"
  • My girls are still swaddled.  We tried not swaddling last night and Hannah took 20 min to fall asleep and then woke up around 10pm and wouldnt fall back asleep so DH gave in and swaddled her.  Lily woke up around midnight and fussed so DH then swaddled her.  Swaddled they both slept till 8am.  We didn't even bother trying not swaddling tonight.
  • My babies are almost 4 months and we do a full swaddle for naps and bedtime. It is just part of their routine and it helps put them right to sleep. I imagine when they start rolling from their backs to tummies we will stop.
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