
When does dominant hand become permanent?

I remember DD went back and forth between both hands for a long time, it wasn't until about 3.5 y/o that I was sure that she was going to be a righty. DS however, has preferred his left hand for as long as I can remember. Do you think it's possible that at just shy of 3 that his hand dominance could be established?
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Re: When does dominant hand become permanent?

  • Between 4 and 7. It's not unusual that they show a strong preference before then. 
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • Per my son's OT, it's usually by 5 or 6. 


    DS - June 2006 DD1 - November 2007 DD2 - August 2010
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  • My DD has been left handed since she first batted a toy.  Seriously.  I could tell she was left handed for a long time.
    imageimage Ashley Sawtelle Photography
  • We could tell Dillon favored his left hand ever since he was an infant. I just remember we always had strong suspicions he would be left handed even though he couldn't write or use utensils yet etc. Now they are both 4 1/2 and I am pretty sure he is going to stay left handed. He writes with his left hand, draws with it, and even kicks balls with his left foot. Ryan (his twin) uses his right hand to do these things.
  • By Kindergarten but you will see a preference before then!
  • I have this theory, based solely on talking to other parents, that leftys tend to be determined very early on.  Almost every parent I know that has a lefty has told me that they knew from infancy, their child consistently reached for toys, self-feed and once they were older, held utensils and colored with their left hand.  My oldest, the lefty, was like that while my youngest (who's not quite three) switches frequently.
    Mama to three boys Nathan Reese 9.05 Conrad Elijah 5.08 Ezekiel Drake "Zeke" 4.12
  • imagehikerbeth:
    My DD has been left handed since she first batted a toy.  Seriously.  I could tell she was left handed for a long time.

    I could also tell very young with Ethan. I couldn't tell with B for a long time and don't know about M yet. 

  • My DS is very clearly a lefty and we've known for a quite a while... and he's almost 4.
  • Same here for my lefty.

    My girls, never paid attention.

    Mitch prefers his left.  Big time. I have even "tested" by putting his silverware on the right side and he reaches over with his left hand to pick it up.  But with the Wii, he plays with his right...but that could be because that's how the girls play and how he's been taught??? 

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