We have the Fisher Price Health Care Deluxe booster seats but the chairs they are attached to (which come from our dining room set) are getting trashed! The girls crush food, smear it all over and of course throw it.
When does this stop? I am wondering if we should get some cheapie chairs to attach the boosters to until then. I can't imagine buying high chairs now would be worthwhile.
Re: when do they stop smearing food everywhere?
My twins are 2 months shy of 2.5 years old and they still make a HUGE mess.
We use chairs similar to yours at my parents house and we have them attached to folding chairs because of the mess they make!
Ditto PP. My 23 month old has ruined one of our chairs (he's in a FP spacesaver highchair). I figure, oh well, it's just an inexpensive Craigslist set but I will be looking for cheaper chairs to put the twins' chairs on.
After 2 rounds of IVF & 2 rounds of FET, we were blessed with identical twin girls!
do you have the store Garden Ridge near you? They sell individual chairs at a decent price and they have tall bar height ones too.
We ended up getting some Chicco high chairs on clearance today. We'll save the boosters for vacation/grandparents' houses.
Thanks girls!
After 2 rounds of IVF & 2 rounds of FET, we were blessed with identical twin girls!