So, we're about to take the leap (a little late) and put our 3 yo into a bed. (he's been in a crib til now--he never seemed to want to climb out and seemed to like the security.) We're actually going straight to a full-sized bed, as a toddler bed seems sort of unnecessary now. So, if it's not super-high (just on the regular bed frame), do I need those bedrails for him? I don't THINK he'll fall out, but since he's been in a crib this long, I just don't know what to expect.
If you have a DC in the 3-4 age range, do you have a bedrail on his/her bed?
Re: Bedrail for 3 yo?
Nest Bio ~ ~ Baby Food Blog
We have two rails on DD1's twin bed. Even with those, she wiggles around so much at night that she's still fallen out a couple of times.
She's always been one to want to rest her head against something while sleeping -- the side of her crib, the mesh of the bed rail. We'll get rid of the rails at some point, but for now they're staying.
DD1, 1/5/2008 ~~~ DD2, 3/17/2010
Emerson has been in a regular size bed since right at two years old. I felt that I needed to get her in the bed because the twins were coming and we needed the crib.
We did put the bed rails on the bed for about 5 months. Then, we just put pillows on either side of her and both worked equally the same.
Do what you feel comfortable with. GL with the big bed!
Noel - August 2010
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