Why the fock do they even keep giving him any attention? Way to set an example for your kids and talking about your bosses that way is definitely the way to keep your job/get it back. Best breakdown of a star since Mel Gibson's crazy ass.
I called our local radio show this morning. They were waiting for him to call in and just talking awful *** about the whole thing. The man is clearly suffering some sort of mental breakdown and the media is having a field day with him. It's disgusting. When is was apparent that Charlie Sheen was not calling in before the close of the show, the DJ pretended to call in be him.
I called in and told them they were disgusting human beings for cashing in on someone's mental instability.
I find it both amusing and really sad that his family is letting him flounder. Emilio Estevez & their dad usually have something to say.
I've ready many statements by the family and Charlie has even said himself that his dad and Emilio have tried to help him, tried to talk to him, and he just isn't having it. He has said that they just have to realize that he's not ready for that. I think they want to help and have tried to help, but you can't force someone to get help, ya know?
I find it both amusing and really sad that his family is letting him flounder. Emilio Estevez & their dad usually have something to say.
They've been on the news saying that this is a hard time for their family and Martin Sheen has equated Charlie's drug addiction to having cancer. (To which Charlie Sheen responded with "Geez Dad...shut it!") They're also seeking to have conservatorship over him.
I don't doubt the substance abuse problem is definitely impacting him right now but I have to wonder how much of this is him trying to drum up publicity ... he *is* an actor. Kwim? Something about it just seems off. If he's truly on the crazytrain I do hope his family can get the conservertorship before he blows everything. His publicist quit on him. You know you're bad off when they leave you.
I find it both amusing and really sad that his family is letting him flounder. Emilio Estevez & their dad usually have something to say.
They've been on the news saying that this is a hard time for their family and Martin Sheen has equated Charlie's drug addiction to having cancer. (To which Charlie Sheen responded with "Geez Dad...shut it!") They're also seeking to have conservatorship over him.
What else are they supposed to do?
IDK. It's just sad that it's gotten to this point, is really all I meant. There really is only so much they can do, I know. I hadn't heard or seen anything from the family, but again I'm kind of ignoring the whole thing as much as I can.
Re: Charlie Sheen is such a hot, pathetic mess
Nora Judith 7/2/06 Miles Chauncey 4/20/09 born with Trisomy 21 - Down syndrome
I called our local radio show this morning. They were waiting for him to call in and just talking awful *** about the whole thing. The man is clearly suffering some sort of mental breakdown and the media is having a field day with him. It's disgusting. When is was apparent that Charlie Sheen was not calling in before the close of the show, the DJ pretended to call in be him.
I called in and told them they were disgusting human beings for cashing in on someone's mental instability.
hey, hey now, don't be hating because his life is so much more "bitchin" than yours.(his line from an interview)
I feel bad for his children.
I need cable.
it's over-rated. ?we have basic now, and only use the on demand stuff for the kids. ?I've purposely been avoiding anything Charlie Sheen this week. ?
Is this sh*t real?
Too much like my job. Glad I don't have cable now. Except I could totally veg out watching some fake ghosts shows right now.
I've ready many statements by the family and Charlie has even said himself that his dad and Emilio have tried to help him, tried to talk to him, and he just isn't having it. He has said that they just have to realize that he's not ready for that. I think they want to help and have tried to help, but you can't force someone to get help, ya know?
They've been on the news saying that this is a hard time for their family and Martin Sheen has equated Charlie's drug addiction to having cancer. (To which Charlie Sheen responded with "Geez Dad...shut it!") They're also seeking to have conservatorship over him.
What else are they supposed to do?
IDK. It's just sad that it's gotten to this point, is really all I meant. There really is only so much they can do, I know. I hadn't heard or seen anything from the family, but again I'm kind of ignoring the whole thing as much as I can.