June 2011 Moms

Boys Only/Diaper Showers

So, the tacky shower post below reminded me of this - has anyone else heard of these?  I haven't, but a coworker was talking about how her DH is invited to one this weekend... apparently it's a thing now.

So, what is it?  Basically just a dudes only event where they drink and give the dad-to-be diapers? 

Re: Boys Only/Diaper Showers

  • I hadn't heard of them before I came on The Bump.  But that's what it sounds like they are to me :)
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  • Yeah, where I'm from, the baby shower is typically for ladies only. And the daddy-to-be gets to have his own party with his friends (that he would probably enjoy much more).
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  • I would love my MH to get something like this, but I wouldn't feel comfortable throwing it for him as I would feel like I'm asking for people to give me diapers. haha  I think he would love it though...to have his guy friends all get together for beers and get diapers at the same time.  This isn't a popular thing to do around here, that I know of at least...so I don't foresee him getting something like this unfortunately.
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  • I've never heard of a guys-only shower before. But it sounds like DH would have a pretty good time with one. My SIL is throwing me a diaper shower, but it's not going to be co-ed or anything, she just said that it's only different because everyone has to bring a box of diapers to pass.
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  •  think it's a great idea and a lot of fun for the men. Unfortunately, the only time I've heard of it before IRL the dad-to-be created his own event on FB and invited people. I remember thinking that it was odd that he was throwing his own diaper/drinking party!
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  • our friends (who are due three weeks ahead of us) are having a Diapers and Beers party at the same time the wife is having her baby shower (at a different location of course). Gives the men something to do.

    with my first we just had a coed baby shower... i wanted my SO to be there and i hate showers anyway, so i wanted it to be more like just a party. to each his own.

  • Where I'm from they're called Pamper Parties.  DH was invited to a few, but never went.  I don't think they're really popular, but maybe one day they will be.  We CD so that would never work.

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker BFP #1 5/30/07 M/C 8/26/10 at around 6 weeks BFP #2 10/16/10
  • A friend of ours asked us at dinner the other night if DH was having a diaper party. We are cloth diapering, and frankly I never really thought about it before. Apparently they are all the rage these days . Same friend contacted me the next day and asked if he could through MH a "daddy party" then, I said yes, I think my DH will LOVE it! Its basically going to be a lot of beer and BBQ.
    sam & arlo 

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