I need two things Is there such a thing as Summer School for 3rd graders and if I wanted an advocate to help me with some things I need the school to provide where do I go to find one of those??? TIA
Thanks. We haven't learned exactly what her probelm is, but I think we will know more next week. We had an RTI this past Wednesday. I think we are going to need something more, but hard to know without all the facts. The tester gave us some insight.
Stick with the RTI process. It takes a long time to work through it. Did the teachers and psychologist explain the whole process to you?
I understand that you want consistency and the extra help. However, you might be better off getting a private tutor during the summer that can do something more targeted and tailored to your daughters needs.
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Kate has been with a tutor since last summer (she did 3 hours a week last summer). She sees this person for two hours on the weekend. I think the only thing they are looking for is ADD for the RTI. It didn't seem like they were looking for anything else. I don't really get the 60 day thing. They won't see me again until the end of April. I could have Kate's evaluation from the Dr next week and the school said they have 60 days and aren't going to meet me any earlier. I think that is crap, but I will play the game. This is why I need an advocate to help me understand all the rules for special needs.
Yeah it's a long process. Supposedly it is to stop fast tracking kids into intervention that really don't need it. But in the mean time it can take up 12 weeks of valuable school time to get a kid help. It doesn't make sense because that is academic time that the student is loosing.
If the pediatrician doesn't find anything then the school will usually try to do a series of testing to determine what the issue is. For that the school will ask for you to have her eyes and ears screened too. Try researching 504 plans. I think this will give you the information that you are seeking.
I have only seen a parent bring an advocate one time to an RTI/SST meeting. So I can't give you a reference for one. But I do know that if you call the county offices and ask for an advocate they can point you in the right direction. That is how the one that I ran across was located.
Re: Teachers--help
Stick with the RTI process. It takes a long time to work through it. Did the teachers and psychologist explain the whole process to you?
I understand that you want consistency and the extra help. However, you might be better off getting a private tutor during the summer that can do something more targeted and tailored to your daughters needs.
Yeah it's a long process. Supposedly it is to stop fast tracking kids into intervention that really don't need it. But in the mean time it can take up 12 weeks of valuable school time to get a kid help. It doesn't make sense because that is academic time that the student is loosing.
If the pediatrician doesn't find anything then the school will usually try to do a series of testing to determine what the issue is. For that the school will ask for you to have her eyes and ears screened too. Try researching 504 plans. I think this will give you the information that you are seeking.
I have only seen a parent bring an advocate one time to an RTI/SST meeting. So I can't give you a reference for one. But I do know that if you call the county offices and ask for an advocate they can point you in the right direction. That is how the one that I ran across was located.
Here is some more info on RTI for parents: