
babies that *NEED* to be held

DD won't let me put her down most days. I've tried letting her cry and she just cries harder. If I wear her in a sling/bjorn/whatever, she'll nap. So I wear her. I don't mind it so much b/c at least my hands are free. She has issues with reflux so I'm wondering if being upright helps her.

Anyone else have this issue with their LO? Do they outgrow the needing to be held once they can sit up on their own? I'm hoping that once she can pass air/burp on her own that the reflux/gas won't be a problem and we'll outgrow the "wear me mommy" phase. 


Re: babies that *NEED* to be held

  • right there with you.  wearing one baby now.  Surely it doesn't last forever.  I don't know.  DS1 was never like this.
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  • Yup, DD was like that at that age. I couldn't set her down for 5 minutes without her fussing up a storm. DS would just sit there contentedly. The only thing that seemed to make her happy was me carrying her around. She's fine now and loves to play independently. DS seems to be the more fussy one now (although it doesn't require me carrying him around - he is just the whinier of the 2).
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  • will was my twin that need to be held.  it was very hard and i felt that i was favoring him over henry.  he did eventually grow out of it and now i do miss it.  every one in a while he will want to be held again.  mine still spit up all the time and becomes worse while teething.  my aunt and mom would tell me just sit down and hold him because that is what he needs, but i would wear him in the moby or ergo.  they still love it to this day.  it is hard but one day you will miss it i promise.  
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  • I don't know that he *needs* it, but DS1 is still clingy as hell at 8 months.  I love him, I love his little face, I love his little face right next to my face, but that child can wear me out. 

    He woke up at 5:30am yesterday.  After a quick bottle, he was UP.  No snoozing on the couch with me like I can sometimes get him to do.  The only way he'd stop crying was if I was holding him while standing.  (He's not refluxy, so it wasn't a physical thing.) So we stood in the middle of the dark living room at 5:45 in the morning just looking at each other.  His happy little face bouncing back and forth right next to my exhausted, half-opened eyes. He knows exactly what he wants and how to get it. 

    I'd have no problem carrying him around if I didn't have another baby though.  Poor DS2.  He's so patient and sweet and independent.  If I had two of him, we might actually consider having more kids some day.

    ETA: This was him last night.  Guess what I did to make him cry?  GASP!  I put him down!  The horror!


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  • YES!!!! Cooper kills me! He's worse at night too...He wakes up from sleep in his co-sleeper and I give up and put him in bed with me Embarrassed and he's out in two secs.... i think im creating a monster, but I cant let him cry.

    I really hope someone says they outgrow it.

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  • I have one like this...he's getting better for sure but still has "moments" where he just needs to be held and it's hard to take care of the others. 
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  • babya2010 - those are my kids *EXACTLY*

    Haven - that pic made me pee my pants. The HORROR. LOL. 

  • We practically threw a party when the girls were big enough for an exersaucer, and actually liked it! Neither of ours liked the swing or the bouncy when they were younger. They would do short stretches on the playmat after they were about three months old, and have since gotten much more independent. They also preferred their naps in someone's arms until about that age.

    It does get better! 

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  • My girls were both like that at the 4 - 8 weeks age. I had no idea what I was going to do when my mom left, but they really started to like laying under the playgym (TinyLove Deluxe to be exact) at 8 weeks and seriously that thing was a godsend from 2 - 6 months. They never cared to much for the vibrating bouncy seats or swing until they were older. 

    My girls also had reflux so we didn't put them on their tummies until at least 45 minutes after eating. If we did, it came right back up. We also put them on Zantac around 6 weeks and that made them much happier to be put down too.

    Your at that tough age of not being entertained by anything and being gassy, etc. It does get a lot better soon.

  • Mine seem to be worse now! Especially since they have the ability now to crawl and follow me trying to climb up my pant legs while whining. This was cute for about 2 min.
  • Brendan will be 2 in October and still wants to be carried all the time.  I actually developed bursitis in my hip from carrying him all the time.  It's amazing he can even walk on his own!  But you would be amazed the things I can do with one hand.
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