Alabama Babies

Happy Friday!

I am bound and determined to not let this crappy weather in MS (and headed to AL) ruin our weekend plans. DH and I are headed to T-town this evening for a 4-day weekend. I have a shower in Fosters tomorrow, church at the church I grew up in Sunday (and  UA baseball game if the weather cooperates), and the best part, Monday DH has TWO interviews! Really hoping one of them works out and we'll be T-town bound for good soon. Just wanted to share my excitment with someone!

Oh, and on a very happy side note, not sure if any of you knew about or were keeping up with the Shelton State Community College's ex-president's court hears over the past 2 weeks, but he was aquitted Tuesday. After hearing all the state's witnesses, the judge said there was not enough evidence to finish the case. This is wonderful news for my family, because the ex-pres is my cousin and I used to work at SSCC.

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Re: Happy Friday!

  • Happy Friday to you too!

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    BabyFruit Ticker
    mmc and d&c at 8.5 weeks - 8/23/2010
    natural m/c and d&c at 10 weeks - 1/24/2014
    DX w/ hetero C677t and A1298C MTHFR - 3/4/2014

  • Sounds like a great weekend plan. I'm hoping the weather miraculously misses us in N.Alabama
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  • We were supposed to have a bonfire tomorrow night, but mom called while ago and said there's a 100% chance of rain and some thunderstorms. So no bonfire for us. I'm a little sad. We were gonna have smores, and I was really looking forward to that.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Happy Friday! Safe travels for you this weekend!
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  • Had a great, and wet, weekend. DH was offered the job during his interview. After much praying and talking it over, we decided this job was not the one for us. It was primarily commission based, and the fella wouldn't tell DH what an average work-day load was like. We sat for almost 2 hours and watched, they had no customers come in at all. DH does have another interview in a week and half so hopefully that one will be better. Weather is BAD in MS right now so yall be careful, it's headed to AL.
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