He's still in jail without bail. I had to testify at his dangerousness hearing this week. That was a nightmare and honestly one of the hardest things I've ever had to do. From what I understand he will be held until there is some resolution (i.e. trial, plea deal, etc). I've done a few things to further protect Keira and I as well. I also met with a divorce lawyer this week, at this point I just want to get that going.
Next I have to try and explain to my 4 year old why her dad has disappeared becuase she won't be seeing him anytime soon and she is starting to ask questions. I honestly don't know what to tell her.
It's been a horrible few weeks. I've also started counseling.
This sucks but I have confidence I will get threw it.
Re: Update on my Lifetime Movie (if anyone is interested)
I am sorry you are going through this and I know the support you get here is helpful to you.
I worry a little bit about your exposure here and how it may get used against you by either your DH or the courts. Obviously your DH is the big threat, but i would just check with your lawyer that your presence on line here (and K's picture etc) isn't something that could harm your case.
Glad to hear he's still in the clink.
Stay safe. Are they going to do a psych exam or anything?
Alex (11/14/06) and Nate (5/25/10)
"Want what you have, do what you can, be who you are." - Rev. Forrest Church
of course you will get through it. you are strong. you are just going to keep moving forward.
I am proud of you for handling this rollercoaster- it is crazy, and you are very brave!
keep hanging in there- it is going to get better.
As a person who was a victim of domestic violence myself, I just want to tell you to hang in there and be strong. There will be a good life for you after all this is said and done.
I was with my DS1's father for 7+ years. He was verbally and physically abusive from about the time I got pg (1 year into our relationship) on. The last time I gave him the chance to abuse me I ended up in the ER. DS1 was almost 6 years old. After that I left him and NEVER looked back. He was charged, I had to testify but the initial charges got dropped to something lower because I had no "permanent bodily damage" I was told.
Right now, as you are going thru this it may feel like you will never again be in a happy place. I PROMISE you that you will. Just do not ever take that man back. He will beg, plea and cry for you to forgive him. DO NOT. He will never change. NEVER. You now need to do what is best and safest for you and your child and that is staying away from him.
I am now married to a WONDERFUL man who has since adopted DS1 and we have had 3 more beautiful children together. When I was with DS1's father, I could not have ever imagined a man treating me THIS well. I didn't think I deserved it...and that man was responsible for making me think that way.
YOU deserve better. GL to you. Stay stong.
Our Angel Boy- m/c in 2007 @ 9wks due to Trisomy 17
I am glad they are keeping him locked up. Will he get some type of treatment/therapy/meds?
I know when my SSs' birthmother went through rehab (the first time) and stopped all communication with the boys, my H told them she was not feeling well and was getting help. I think since your DC is 4, this might be a good place to start. I wouldn't bring up jail or the d.v. at this point. Encourage her to talk. Perhaps she can draw him a picture or something and you can either send it to him or put it away for another time.
I've been keeping you in my thoughts. You know it might not be a bad idea to pick a new name on here and as much as I'll miss seeing your little cuties, maybe take down the pics for a little bit, just until things die down a little.
For your DD, just keep it simple. Something like Daddy can't see you right now but he loves you. Maybe put a framed photo of him in her room (if you can stand that right now). And maybe ask your pediatrician if they can reccomend a good family counselor in case you want one in the future. (((hugs)))