I posted earlier yesterday I was going to the hospital to get induced...On the way to get admitted to start the process I was called by the hospital and told not to come in. They were full and I am still waiting

I was told to call back this morning and I am trying my best to stay optimistic. I want to meet my son so very badly, my heart kind of broke when they told me not to come in. We had planned everything from our dogs, house, school and work. Now, I may have to turn around go back to my classes and work. We had to pick up our dogs again after dropping them off. It is safe to say I feel like screaming.
"When you pursue your fondest dream, and give this goal your best; The passion that has filled your heart becomes a lifelong test, though others may find fault with this, don't let your passion wane, when you staty true to your beliefs, you have the most to gain."

Re: DENIED Induction