Cloth Diapering

How well do Thirsties Duo Diapers fit a newborn?

DH and I have started talking about TTC #2 so I am of course starting to obsess about a new cloth diaper stash.  I bought BG XSs for Caroline and never really used them.  I ended up using disposables until she fit into her one-size diapers.  I don't think I want to use fitteds, but I may get some prefolds this time around.  What do you think of the Thirsties Duo Diapers?
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Re: How well do Thirsties Duo Diapers fit a newborn?

  • I loved my duo wraps.  The size 1 fit E from birth to around 4-5 months.  We probably could have gotten more life out of them but I had the opportunity to sell them so I did.  Now I have the size 2 and still love them. I do prefer snaps to aplix, just my opinion.
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  • keep in mind my ds was 10 lbs at birth and we didnt start cd'ing until he was 6 weeks but Thirsties Duo pockets fit him awesome early on.  Way better than os dipes.
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  • S weighs b/w 7-8lbs now and her duo dipes and wraps fit great.  I wish I had more for when we are out and about.
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  • DD's Duo Dipes fit her really well early on.  I wish I had had more for her first few weeks.
  • They fit my dd right from the beginning (7.5 ish lbs.).
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