Baby Showers

food ideas for co-ed baby shower that is not at a mealtime...

helping out w/ a friend's baby shower & trying to think of good, easy food ideas for a 3 pm co-ed shower. I don't think the intention (I'm not the hostess, just offered to help out a bit) was to do a full meal, but I don't think a table full of dips will be ideal either...creative ideas anyone? (I was thinking sliders would be fun but a lot of work grilling them all up & since I'm not the hostess, I don't really want to suggest things that will be a lot of work for her. I'd be up for getting pulled pork & some slider buns from a bbq place though...)

It will be kids & adults too...


Re: food ideas for co-ed baby shower that is not at a mealtime...

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