My friend has a 1-month old that is colicky, lactose intolerant AND constipated (talk about a triple whammy). She had problems with her milk coming in and is now 100% formula - the problem is is that she can't find one that will work for her little guy.
Any suggestions?
Re: Formula HELP!
Poor little guy . Is the problem that he doesn't want it, or finding one that addresses his issues?
Jen - Mom to Jillian (10/2008) and Hayden (4/2010)
My Blog
They keep finding that one formula helps one issue, but creates another. They can't find one that helps ALL 3.
Are they sure the baby can't handle milk protein?? The dilemma is that babies that are truly milk protein intolerant are often soy protein intolerant as well. I'd say try Soy first (for a few weeks). If there is no change, then she can go to Alimentum or Nutrimigen. Definitely have her ask at the ped's office. I was able to get a few month's supply that way - it is super pricey. Sometimes, some people have magically gotten their insurance companies to pay for it, but I was never able to work that out.