
New here :-) Question about showing

Hi ladies,

I am new to your group :-)  We confirmed that Baby A and Baby B both had heartbeats on Monday.  We conceived via IVF and transferred 2 embroys, but for some reason never expected twins!  We are still a bit shocked.

I am a wee bit terrified but also excited for the babies, since I am a twin myself.  I know they will have a wonderful bond and that makes me so very happy for them :-)

So, I work full time in technical sales and product management.  My industry is dominated by men and in fact I am one of only 2 women worldwide at my company that do my job.  I am concerned about my job and would like to keep this whole thing under wraps as long as possible!

Unfortunatley due to IVF and ovarian hyperstim, my clothing is already tight.  I'm hoping since the hyperstim should gradually reduce that I won't get any bigger than I am now for a while...but I wonder if that is wishful thinking?

Can you tell me when I should expect to be showing (understand it's different for everyone) and how long you waited to tell your work colleagues / HR / boss? 

 My mom informed me she wasn't in maternity clothing until 6 months, but i think she is a freak of nature!!!

Thanks girls!

TTC since 2008
dx MFI March 2009, low motility and low morph
dx Stage I/II endometriosis September 2009.
Multiple failed clomid, injecitble and IUI cycles
IVF #1 Janaury 2011: 28 retrieved, 22 fert normally
5dt of two beautiful blasts (6 frozen)
BFP 2/10/2011 (holy cow!!!)
1st u/s 2/24: 2 gestational sacs, it's twins! Only 1 heartbeat, Baby A, 110 BPM
2nd u/s 2/28: 2 heartbeats! It's twins!
3rd u/s 3/7: Lost Baby B :-( Baby A looking good.
Pregnancy Ticker
We will always love you Baby B.

Re: New here :-) Question about showing

  • I used injectables (Gonal-F) the cycle I got pregnant and my ovaries were VERY stimulated - I was really bloated till about 8-9 weeks.  I'm almost 13 weeks now and the bloat is gone, but my stomach is starting to pop now.  I can empathize with the bloating - it was really unpleasant.  Lots of water and gatorade helped a lot.  Good luck!  
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Photobucket
  • I don't want to scare you, but I had a visible bump at 9 weeks...and it was not just bloating. By 12 weeks, my jeans were too tight and very uncomfortable. Right now, I'm measuring about 9 weeks farther along than I am.  You might want to invest in some flowy tops to get you through the next couple of weeks. Blazers also help cover it up and emphasize your waist. Although the bump was definitely there much earlier than the average pregnancy, I was much more paranoid about it than I needed to be. Good luck!
    Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers
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  • I wasn't showing until 5.5-6 months with my DS (singleton pregnancy) but started showing at about 10 weeks with this pregnancy. But I wasn't trying to hide it either. Since this is your first pregnancy (right?) you may not show until much, much later! And since you want to hide it a while you can certainly buy some clothes which will work with the bloat and belly. Luckily, the flow-y shirts with all that extra material is really in right now! :) Enjoy the belly and the bloat, it's all a part of the journey! GL
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  • We didn't do IVF but I started showing around 13 weeks. I measure about 4 weeks ahead lately.
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  • The bloat is ridiculous.

    I didn't show with DS until after 20 weeks.  It's going to be much earlier this time around :)

    BFP#1 May 17, 2008
    Surgery for ectopic pregnancy June 3, 2008
    BFP #2 September 25, 2008
    Baby boy born June 4, 2009 at 40 weeks
    8 pounds 13 ounces and 23 inches
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    BFP #3 February 6, 2011
    First U/S February 25, 2011 = TWINS!!!
    Boy/girl twins born October 4, 2011
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • I conceived with IVF as well.  I was pretty bloated until about 10 or 11 weeks, but no one really noticed.  I have to wear suits to work everyday so I think the jackets helped.  I started noticeably showing around 16 weeks.  I am pretty small to begin with (5'2" and 115-120ish), so I think that made it more noticeable.  I told work at around 13 weeks. 
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  • This is my first preg and I didn't show until about 18 weeks, like you said its definately different with everyone :)
    Spontaneous ID Twin Girls - born 38w 2d Image and video hosting by TinyPic Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • I didn't have any drug-related bloating, but I outgrew my regular pants pretty early (around 12 weeks).  That said, no one could really tell that I was pregnant until about 19 weeks.  I was wearing maternity pants with normal shirts, and no one could tell.  I've actually been measuring small the whole pregnancy, but I think I've gotten a lot bigger in the last week and might be starting to catch up.

    I think height can make a big difference - tall/long waisted women tend to show later.  

    Saving money while raising more kids than you bargained for! Image and video hosting by TinyPic Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • Between the injectible drugs and the multiples, work knew around 8 or 9 weeks....just couldn't hide (and had to cancel a trip to a lab). By 13w, it was maternity pants half time...there's only 2 pairs of normal ones left that work.
    1.0&2.0 7-29-11

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