Pre-School and Daycare

What size backpack for preschool?

Do they need to be big enough for a file folder, or not? 

DD1 has a Skip Hop zoo pack that we got last year, she takes it to her toddler activity class twice a week, and it's in great condition. But like most "preschool" sized backpacks, it's small -- big enough for a change of clothes, or to bring a few books or toys someplace, but not big enough to hold 8x11 paper, or any type of standard folder, without smushing or folding it.

I'm trying to figure out if she'll need a bigger one or not. I'm attempting to balance practicality with me being a sucker for cute backpacks, and the PBK catalogs are not helping! 


DD1, 1/5/2008 ~~~ DD2, 3/17/2010

Re: What size backpack for preschool?

  • DS needed a full size backpack.  They bring home lots of notices, art work, etc that needs to fit in a file folder
  • DD's school requests full sized backpacks.  I was amazed at how quickly DD's bag fills up.  They do a lot of art projects on 8.5x11 paper, and send home notes frequently, so it has to be a decent size.  You also have to be able to pack a full outfit in case of emergency, show and tell once a week, and winter gear during the cold months (hat, gloves, indoor shoes, snow pants, ect).  The full time kids, also need to be able to fit their lunches in there, too. 
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  • We were told to make sure the backpacks could hold a full sized file folder without being bent or folded.


    My twins are 5! My baby is 3!

    DS#2 - Allergic to Cashew, Pistachio, Kiwi

    DS#3 - Allergic to Milk, Egg, Peanut, Tree Nuts and Sesame

  • I'll be getting DD a full sized backpack as they do lots of art projects that need to fit in the backpacks.
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  • I just asked this at our open house & they suggested the big full size backpacks. I'm eyeing the PBK backpacks too. They are really nice. I wish they would put the cute patterns on sale!
    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers
  • I would get a regular size, it needs to be big enough for a folder and a change of close. We got one at BPK for DD and DS#1, the same size actually, they held up pretty good, we are definitely using them again next year. 
  • Both of my kids have the small Lands End backpacks and they really work.  I keep an extra sweatshirt plus 1 change of clothes in my older DD's and my LO, who is now potty training, has about 4 extra pairs of undies and leggings in hers.  On Friday and Monday's we add in nap blankets and in the winter, snow pants and boots go back and forth although I typically just carry those.  My older DD also goes to a speech class 2x and ends up with papers from there.
    Jenni Mom to DD#1 - 6-16-06 DD#2 - 3-13-08 
  • No bags allowed at our school!  They provide a little wicker basket at the top of their cubby for hats/mittens/socks/undies.  And they also get a red canvas bag to hang inside for extra uniform tops/bottoms.  And then there's a little plastic tray under the cubby for shoes/boots.

    Artwork is only sent home a few times of year in a big dossier thing.  No backpack on earth would fit that huge beast.  

    Might be worth it to call the school and ask?  Maybe they even have a policy like our school's in that all they need is provided?

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    Lilypie - (C6hS)

  • Ours requires a full size--it has to fit a regular size folder.  DS1 already has one from Disney--It's lightening McQueen and has his name printed on the backside of the backpack (so no one can see it when its on his back).

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  • akayfakayf member
    I teach in a full day public preschool program.   We ask for backpacks that are large enough to hold a file sized folder and a set of bedding(crib sheet and small blanket...a crib sheet fits perfectly on the cots we provide for naps...we send them home on Friday to be washed and parents return them on Monday)
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  • There were no requirements at DD's preschool, but the full sized bag works much better for bringing home artwork, packing an extra set of clothes (required), extra shoes to change into after playing outside, library books, etc.
    DD1 - 12.25.05
    (m/c 1.17.07, m/c 5.15.07)
    DS - 03.15.08
    DD2 - 12.03.09
    DD3 - 3.28.11
  • Gah, wish I had read this post a month ago.. I used a gift cert and got DS the PBK shark preschool backpack - beautifully personalized so I can't return it. Total waste of money. It isn't even big enough to fit the matching lunch box!
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