
Those who had twins and then a singleton (or are going to...)

Did you get a single stroller for the new baby, or did you figure out a way to do all three in a stroller (valco baby or triple)? I'm trying to figure out what new gear I'll need for this baby and it's really hard to not start eying fancy single strollers. I'm also thinking about getting an ergo and just pushing the boys in the double, but I'm sure that there will be times when I am out with just the baby.

Also, they boys will be 20 months when the baby gets here. Do you think I should just buy another crib, or should we attempt a transition to toddler beds? 

Thanks so much!


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Re: Those who had twins and then a singleton (or are going to...)

  • FloF9FloF9 member
    Yes I was in the market for a single stroller when I got one at a garage sale in mint condition.
  • Congrats on your third! I would definitely get a single stroller, since your little ones will eventually be at a point where they won't be in a stroller. Maybe start out with a SNG and then buy something nicer when you need it. As for the cribs, if it were me, I'd keep the new baby in a bassinet in your room for the first 4-6 months, and then maybe move the boys to toddler beds if they're ready. It will buy you a little bit of time and ease the transition with the new baby in the house as well. That's what I'm planning on doing, although my girls will be 27 months when the new baby comes. I've just never seen the need to push for toddler beds too early, especially when a new baby is in the house. Containment is good for everyone at that point!! Good luck with your pregnancy!
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    Mom to Megan(5), Bridget(4), Tessa and Annie (2) and Mary (brand new)

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  • I'm planning on getting a SNG to start for the trips that DH and I can go together (we'd take both the double stroller and the SNG or I'd just wear the baby in a carrier and he'd push the stroller).I am hoping to find a used Valco Tri Mode that's in good condition for outings that I need all 3 to be in one stroller.....

    We're planning on just buying another convertible crib. Eventually, we'll turn the girls' current crib into the convertible toddler beds.

    HTH and GL

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  • I am borrowing a SNG but I am also considering a stroller that will fit all three.

    I am going to switch them to toddler beds at 2 years, when the baby is is month old, and then wait another month and move the baby into the nursery, so they don't feel like s/he is stealing their room.

     I checked with the pedi about taking them out of cribs because I was not sure about it and he said "go for it" and suggested putting the mattresses on the floor.

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  • imageMoMandA:

    I am borrowing a SNG but I am also considering a stroller that will fit all three.

    I am going to switch them to toddler beds at 2 years, when the baby is is month old, and then wait another month and move the baby into the nursery, so they don't feel like s/he is stealing their room.

     I checked with the pedi about taking them out of cribs because I was not sure about it and he said "go for it" and suggested putting the mattresses on the floor.

    Aren't you worried about naps?  I'd think they wouldn't lay down to sleep, but want to just play. 

    OP, we got a SNG for now, and will re-evaluate a few mos in.  I might take baby out alone early on, but can't see myself needing anything like an all-terrain.

    We got a new crib for baby, and he's in his own room.  I've seen what regenab has written about losing naps by going to toddler beds close to 2yrs old.  Also seems to be what I hear among my local MoMs.  I could NOT handle that personally... not with a new baby.  However, some LOs are used to sleeping on cots/mattresses if they go to DC.  Maybe it wouldn't be an issue for some.

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