Baby Names

Favorite Boy Name?

Here is a list of the boy names we are considering for our October baby. Which name do you like best? We have two boys Cole and Hudson B[Poll]

Re: Favorite Boy Name?

  • These are pretty horrible too. Corbin is the only one I can stomach. 
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  • again i don't like any of these. I like Jackson even though its super popular but PLEASE PLEASE don't spell is Jaxon. This just look so wrong to me. If you insist on the x then spell it Jaxson at least. 
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  • also I don't understand Ryker... isn't that the name of a prison?
  • Jaxon is currenly our number 1 pick and we want to call him Jax. Also i am just asking which names people like not which names you despise
  • Why dont you spell it Jackson? and call him Jax if you really like that NN. Im not a fan of any except Jackson but spelled properly
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  • imageSkibunny07:
    also I don't understand Ryker... isn't that the name of a prison?

    LMAO Rikers Island! Where Weezy was housed...


    OP, I will be in the minority but I like Bentley. I like it even more in comparison to the other names. 


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  • NannaNanna member
    Corbin is the only name on that list I find remotely ok.  Jackson would be a distant second, but only if you spelled it properly (there's no reason you can't still nn him Jax without saddling him with the terrible spelling of Jaxon).  Your other sons have great names.
  • Because thats the spelling i prefer, and i don't care for the spelling Jackson. I am amazed at how many people dis like these names yet they like names like ben, charles, michael ect which are names i would never consider, so obviously we have very different ideas of which names we prefer.
  • Michael, Ben, and Charles are spelled correctly. There's a difference.

    I voted Grayson, because I think it goes best with your other names.



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  • Its okay not to like these names as not every person likes every name, but wow how rude can so many of you be, i truly feel sorry for you feeling the need to sit there and bo rude to someone who asked a pretty easy question if you don't like then maybe you should stick to the old saying "if you have nothing nice to say, say nothing at all" i know i don't put other people's name choices down i just say which i like, because thats the proper thing to do.
  • I've only seen Greer as a girl's name, for what it's worth.
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  • I mean this in the nicest way possible because I can understand why you are upset by these comments, but if you read the FAQ at the top of the baby names board, you'll get a good understanding of why people are commenting this way. 

    These are only a few opinions that you've heard.  Ultimately you are picking your child's name based on your style and personality.  Hearing that a few people don't have the same style or opinions are you shouldn't change how you feel about the names that YOU like.  But you asked for opinions on an open forum and opinions you got back.

  • your right i did ask on a open dicussion, i just didn't realize i would get the comments as its a poll i figured people would just vote if they did like a name, my bad. Also most people that i talk to love my names, except greer, my husband says he would be called greer the queer. . I have no intention of changing the names it was just for fun didn't go so well, won't do it again. also most people won't care how we decide to spell it, i see jaxon spelt that way often now. its a thing of the future.
  • imageames17:
    These are pretty horrible too. Corbin is the only one I can stomach. 

    Me too I voted Corbin. Too me, that's the only actual Real name up there. The others are just made up or look awful. Like Greer ? I'm thinking of a car gear. 

  • imagemommyofboys86:

    Me too I voted Corbin. Too me, that's the only actual Real name up there. The others are just made up or look awful. Like Greer ? I'm thinking of a car gear. 


    This is exactly how I feel. I love Corbin.

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  • Corbin is the only one that doesn't make me gag, and I actually really like that name. The others don't go with it at all. Jaxon is awful, seriously.
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  • imagefeffy11:

    Try lurking on the board for awhile to get a feel for the Baby Names board. If you feel our taste is too boring or proper, then try a different naming site like Baby-gaga and WTE are all puppies and rainbows, so you might decide you're more comfortable posting in a place that gives validation.

    Thank-you so much, and yes i find the names on this site very old school not my personal taste at all, i will defiently try the sites you have mentioned. These were just names my husband and i had discussed we have chosen Addison or Camryn for a girl and Jaxon or Corbin for a boy i was just curious to see what others thought, not realizing that most people on here have the same taste and are not into modern names.


  • You asked for opinions and are now getting them...put your big girl panties on.


    I LOVE Greyson (spelled with a E not an A...for some reason that's how I spell the color too and I'm not from the UK).  But DH vetoed it.

    Bentley is a car

    Jaxon is misspelled and unoriginal

    Ryker is ... horrible

    Greer is a girls name IMO

    Corbin is not too bad.

    It's a shame that you like such horrible current boys have great names. 


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  • greer is actually a name i heard on a movie, it's called nanny diary or something, it was cute on the little boy either way, however my husband has vetoed that name. Jaxon is a very nice name no matter how it is spelt. ok this one bothered me President Kinzley is bad but President Lillian sounds good WHAT??? thats sounds terrible and no i am not naming my daughter Kinzley  or Kenzie for that matter i just wanted to see if anyone liked those names as my husband does and i was curious if other did.
  • imagelacey_jay96:
    greer is actually a name i heard on a movie, it's called nanny diary or something, it was cute on the little boy either way, however my husband has vetoed that name. Jaxon is a very nice name no matter how it is spelt. ok this one bothered me President Kinzley is bad but President Lillian sounds good WHAT??? thats sounds terrible and no i am not naming my daughter Kinzley  or Kenzie for that matter i just wanted to see if anyone liked those names as my husband does and i was curious if other did.

    LOL its not Greer its Greyer

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  • Hubby's favorite name (girl or boy) Ryker!

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  • imagelacey_jay96:
    greer is actually a name i heard on a movie, it's called nanny diary or something, it was cute on the little boy either way, however my husband has vetoed that name. Jaxon is a very nice name no matter how it is spelt. ok this one bothered me President Kinzley is bad but President Lillian sounds good WHAT??? thats sounds terrible and no i am not naming my daughter Kinzley  or Kenzie for that matter i just wanted to see if anyone liked those names as my husband does and i was curious if other did.


    Wow, those two names aren't even in the same league. Kinzley is made up nonsense and Lillian is a lovely traditional name steeped in history. jeebus.

     Your name choices are atrocious. Corbin is the only name there that I can even stomach. 

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  • I chose Jaxon, although I prefer the spelling Jaxson as that is my sons

    I also really like Grayson !

    But GUESS WHAT ? It is not my decision on how to spell YOUR childs name, I find it funny how some of these women think that if you do not spell it JACKSON you seem uneducated, I chose not to spell my sons name that way because I did not like it as much, does that make me uneducated ? I really find it offensive that you guys believe that, sure I can understand if you took the name Michael and totally screwed with the spelling. I just don't understand the big deal in using the name Jackson/Jaxon/Jaxson and spelling it how you feel is right for YOUR child, I understand not everyone is going to like it.

    Overall it is your decision and you have to do what is right for you Big Smile

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  • imageKMorley3:

    I chose Jaxon, although I prefer the spelling Jaxson as that is my sons

    I also really like Grayson !

    But GUESS WHAT ? It is not my decision on how to spell YOUR childs name, I find it funny how some of these women think that if you do not spell it JACKSON you seem uneducated, I chose not to spell my sons name that way because I did not like it as much, does that make me uneducated ? I really find it offensive that you guys believe that, sure I can understand if you took the name Michael and totally screwed with the spelling. I just don't understand the big deal in using the name Jackson/Jaxon/Jaxson and spelling it how you feel is right for YOUR child, I understand not everyone is going to like it.

    Overall it is your decision and you have to do what is right for you Big Smile

    Of course it's her decision.  But, she asked for our opinions and she got them...good and bad.

    And not for nothing...why is misspelling Jackson OK but misspelling Michael is not.  Not flaming...just wondering why the distinction.  Both are traditional names...Jackson just as a last name and Michael as a first.

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  • imageKMorley3:

    I chose Jaxon, although I prefer the spelling Jaxson as that is my sons

    I also really like Grayson !

    But GUESS WHAT ? It is not my decision on how to spell YOUR childs name, I find it funny how some of these women think that if you do not spell it JACKSON you seem uneducated, I chose not to spell my sons name that way because I did not like it as much, does that make me uneducated ? I really find it offensive that you guys believe that, sure I can understand if you took the name Michael and totally screwed with the spelling. I just don't understand the big deal in using the name Jackson/Jaxon/Jaxson and spelling it how you feel is right for YOUR child, I understand not everyone is going to like it.

    Overall it is your decision and you have to do what is right for you Big Smile

    I personally never said that she was uneducated. Jackson is properly spelled Jackson. Thats all I am saying, if you like it spelled another way, good for you. ugh

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  • imagefeffy11:

    greer is actually a name i heard on a movie, it's called nanny diary or something, it was cute on the little boy either way, however my husband has vetoed that name. Jaxon is a very nice name no matter how it is spelt. ok this one bothered me President Kinzley is bad but President Lillian sounds good WHAT??? thats sounds terrible and no i am not naming my daughter Kinzley  or Kenzie for that matter i just wanted to see if anyone liked those names as my husband does and i was curious if other did.

    Am I in the Twilight Zone right now?

    Wow, OP. Just wow. Are you 14?

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  • yes i'm 14 with 2 kids and 1 on the way? What the hell?  And i think president lillian sounds stupid thats all i was saying. also i hate so very very much the name lillian, sorry to those who like it but come on thats not a name for you unless you 60+ to me anyways, just goes to show we all have our own opinion. even though on this site i am the odd one out, in the real, i guess you could say it would be alot more equal, possibly even more votes my way as i am younger and am  most likly the same as people my age and younger.
  • imagelacey_jay96:
    yes i'm 14 with 2 kids and 1 on the way? What the hell?  And i think president lillian sounds stupid thats all i was saying. also i hate so very very much the name lillian, sorry to those who like it but come on thats not a name for you unless you 60+ to me anyways, just goes to show we all have our own opinion. even though on this site i am the odd one out, in the real, i guess you could say it would be alot more equal, possibly even more votes my way as i am younger and am  most likly the same as people my age and younger.


    Right, because you know exactly how old everyone on here is just by looking at their SN. You sound like a 14-year old because of how your write and what you write. Jeebus.



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  • imagelacey_jay96:
    your right i did ask on a open dicussion, i just didn't realize i would get the comments as its a poll i figured people would just vote if they did like a name, my bad. Also most people that i talk to love my names, except greer, my husband says he would be called greer the queer. . I have no intention of changing the names it was just for fun didn't go so well, won't do it again. also most people won't care how we decide to spell it, i see jaxon spelt that way often now. its a thing of the future.

    Yep everyone will look at it and say that was the trend of 2010/2011.

    Go with Corbin its the best on your list and if for ONE second your child would be called "Greer the Queer" why would you even keep it on the list.

    There's a difference between Trend and Timeless.

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  • I like them all.  I can't believe how many people are being so negative. They are a little different, but not off the wall.  I think my favorite is Ryker.  Although, Jax is a really cute nickname.
  • imageTerraSchumacher:
    I like them all.  I can't believe how many people are being so negative. They are a little different, but not off the wall.  I think my favorite is Ryker.  Although, Jax is a really cute nickname.

    This is a total side-eyeHmm

    **~Future Mama to my June "Sprout"~**
    EDD- 06/13/2017
    **Stinkerbelle-8-27-10 * Mr.P's 2nd Mama 7-27-07**
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  • imagemelissa721:

    also I don't understand Ryker... isn't that the name of a prison?

    LMAO Rikers Island! Where Weezy was housed...


    OP, I will be in the minority but I like Bentley. I like it even more in comparison to the other names. 


    I like Bentley too. It was actually one of my top choices for a boy but my fiance wanted to use it for a girl Indifferent so since we couldn't agree, we crossed it off the list.

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  • imagefeffy11:

    Try lurking on the board for awhile to get a feel for the Baby Names board. If you feel our taste is too boring or proper, then try a different naming site like Baby-gaga and WTE are all puppies and rainbows, so you might decide you're more comfortable posting in a place that gives validation.



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  • imagelacey_jay96:
    yes i'm 14 with 2 kids and 1 on the way? What the hell?  And i think president lillian sounds stupid thats all i was saying. even though on this site i am the odd one out, in the real, i guess you could say it would be alot more equal, possibly even more votes my way as i am younger and am  most likly the same as people my age and younger.

    I think 14 is being generous.  12?  

    Every heard of babygaga?  I think you'll find your peeps there. 

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  • Names are things that stay with us forever. They are going to be judged by a lot of people, some of who will be in positions of authority or power, like potential employers. Why start your child off with a name you know will be looked down upon and connected with something like not being educated enough to spell a word correctly?

    Butchering spellings is not the wave of the future- it is a stupid trend that I hope dies VERY soon.

    And, not all of us like names like Michael or Ben. There are plenty of ladies on here who prefer off the wall, unique names. But there is a big difference in unique and uneeeeeque!

    I like the name Corbin. And your other children have lovely names. Go with what you've done in the past and you can't go wrong, imo.


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  • None of these are my style at all

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  • They are all very fitting for your choices and all fit perfectly.

  • imagemagsugar13:

    They are all very fitting for your choices and all fit perfectly.

    your comments are not welcome, i said stuff that was not the best but i felt thretened still not making it right but you have no excuse

  • imagelacey_jay96:

    They are all very fitting for your choices and all fit perfectly.

    your comments are not welcome, i said stuff that was not the best but i felt thretened still not making it right but you have no excuse


    It really does make my head hurt trying to read your posts. I'll stick with my comment, your choices are perfect for you.

    Maybe you can take some night classes to improve your writing skills?

    I do not need an excuse to find your name choices and spelling skills extremely pathetic.

    I'll be moving on now....I need to go decompress after trying to read all your posts.


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