My VBAC TOL Birth Story (long)

I went in for my induction on Monday morning at 6:30am as planned.  We finally got settled in our room and my OB came in around 8.  It was right around then that I actually started feeling "real" contractions on my own.  I started to get really excited about the day.  OB did an exam and I was still only 50% effaced and 1cm dilated but she was able to break my water.  The process was extremely painful.  After another hour or so a low level of pitocin was started.  I was having regular contractions but they weren't getting any stronger yet.  I labored like this until around 2pm when the OB added an internal catheter monitor which gave them the ability to get a more accurate reading on the contractions as well as the internal pressure of my uterus.  The contractions were getting stronger and they had been 3 minutes apart for a while.  They then started to increase the pitocin over several hours.  Around 9 pm, the contractions had been extremely painful for a while.  When I was checked internally, I was only 80% effaced and 2cm.  

My OB started talking to me about having an epidural line put in and being prepared for a c/s because if it became an emergency it would take time to get the epidural or spinal in place and at that point they would have to go with general anesthesia to save time.  I asked if they would put in an empty line for the epidural since I was committed to going pain med-free.  The anesthesiologist agreed to that since I had the epidural w/my c/s before and hadn't had any problems with it.  I wanted to wait until I was checked again before having it done though.  I was really hoping there would be progress since my contractions were SO painful for so long.  I was checked at 10:30 and was still only 80% effaced and 2-3cm.  At that point I was extremely discouraged that my body was not responding faster.  When I was induced with DD I was already 3cm and almost completely effaced when I went into the hospital.  The though of laboring this hard for another 12 hours (24+ since the water was broken) was making me lose my hope.  My OB was wonderful and not pressuring me at all.  She was completely supportive of me laboring into the morning and past that if I wasn't showing any signs of infection.  Her only concern was that I wasn't thinning out more and the baby wasn't dropping to put pressure on my cervix to help.  Being tethered to the monitors made it so that I could basically just pace the length of the room, which I did for most of the day and it wasn't helping.  

Around 11pm I gave up.  I told my OB that I didn't think my body was responding and I just couldn't imagine another 12 hours of laboring like that and it would more than likely result in a RCS anyway.  She asked me several times if I was sure and then went to prep for it.  My husband and I laid down to snooze a bit while we were waiting.  They were going to do a spinal in the ER rather than the epidural because it was quicker and I'd be able to get up and walk sooner because they take it out immediately after surgery and it doesn't take the time to wear off like the epidural.  Right at midnight the OB and several nurses ran into the room and said that the baby's heartbeat had dropped and they had me roll over to try and get it back up.  It wasn't changing at all and they started freaking out and calling for an emergency c/s.  Everything happened at lightening speed at that point and it was terrifying.  My husband was not allowed to be present at the birth.  

Ivan James was born at 12:17am on 3/1/11 via emergency c/s under general anesthesia.  The umbilical cord had been wrapped tight around his neck which is what caused his heart rate to decline.  I'm thankful that he's here and he's healthy.  I don't have the feelings of loss that I had with DD's c/s birth.  I didn't get my VBAC but I feel like I gave it my best try and I appreciate that my OB gave me the opportunity and was supportive throughout the TOL.


TTC #1 Cycle 14 - IUI#1=BFN, IUI#2=BFP | TTC #2 Cycle 8=BFP!! imageimage

Re: My VBAC TOL Birth Story (long)

  • Awww... Congrats on your new little guy! I'm glad you got to try for a VBAC at least!  Can't wait to see photos!
  • Sounds like that was why he wasn't dropping too- but how scary!  Sounds like you had a wonderful, knowledgeable doctor taking care of you, though and I am so glad everyone is ok!  Congrats on your little boy!

    Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers image image
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  • Congrats on your little man!
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  • Congratulations on the newest addition!  I'm sorry that you didn't get the VBAC, but am glad that you got to try.  It is good to know that c/s are there when you need them.  I hope that you have a speedy recovery and spend lots of time snuggling with your DS.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • How scary!  I am so glad everybody is OK and can't wait to see pictures!  It sounds like your OB was very supportive the whole way.  Congrats!
    DS born via c/s 11/08 and med-free GD VBAC DD 3/11! Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Congrats on your little Ivan and thanks for sharing your story!
  • Congratulations on your new addition! I'm glad that you were able to try for a VBAC, and especially that your OB was supportive. I'm sorry that it ended in what must have been a scary way, but I am so glad that you aren't experiencing the same feelings of loss :)


    Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers Lilypie Third Birthday tickers Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
  • Congratulations on your new little man.  I was really encouraged hearing about your OB.  I might contact them.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    Max born July 25


    Big sisters Alex and Layla


  • Congratulations on your newest addition!  I'm sorry you weren't able to get your VBAC but so happy that your doctor was so supportive and encouraging.  Enjoy your little man.  :)
    imageLilypie Fourth Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • Jb&JbJb&Jb member
    Congratulations on your boy!  Thanks for sharing your story.
  • Congrats on your new baby!  I'm glad you are feeling better about how this birth went than you first one.  Sounds like your doctor was really supportive too and that's wonderful.  

    God luck with your recovery and enjoy your sweet little boy :) 


    Big sister {September 2008} Sweet boy {April 2011} Fuzzy Bundle {ETA July 2014}

    Pregnancy Ticker
  • imageHikerBride07:
    They then started to increase the pitocin over several hours.  Around 9 pm, the contractions had been extremely painful for a while.  When I was checked internally, I was only 80% effaced and 2cm.  

     I asked if they would put in an empty line for the epidural since I was committed to going pain med-free.  The anesthesiologist agreed to that since I had the epidural w/my c/s before and hadn't had any problems with it.  I wanted to wait until I was checked again before having it done though.  I was really hoping there would be progress since my contractions were SO painful for so long.  I was checked at 10:30 and was still only 80% effaced and 2-3cm.  At that point I was extremely discouraged that my body was not responding faster.  Around 11pm I gave up.  I told my OB that I didn't think my body was responding and I just couldn't imagine another 12 hours of laboring like that and it would more than likely result in a RCS anyway.

    YOU ARE A MACHINE! I was on Pitocin for 5 hours with my DS and I tapped out at level 7. MAD PROPS TO YOU for sticking it out the natural way for so long! Also, I'm glad you had the epidural in place in case of C/S because I ended up with an emergency C/S because of cord issues too! 

    TTC #2: My chart
  • Congratulations on the birth of your little man! I'm happy you had such a supportive doctor and are at peace with his birth!
    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
  • I'm sorry things didn't go as planned but am glad your son is doing well. I hope your recovery is swift. Enjoy being a mom of two :-)
    Image and video hosting by TinyPic AlternaTickers - Cool, free Web tickers AlternaTickers - Cool, free Web tickers
  • Congratulations on your DS!  Thanks so much for sharing your story. 
  • Congrats on your little man!  I'm sorry that you did not get your vbac, but you gave it an awesome, amazing try!  good for you!!  Enjoy every moment with your little baby!  Congratulations again!
    Warning No formatter is installed for the format bbhtml
  • Congrats on your new little guy and thanks for sharing your story!
    Matilda 6/19/09
    Graham 10/25/13
  •   Wow, what a dramatic night.  It sounds like your doctor was really supportive and worked with you to get you both home healthy, Congratulations on your little boy. 
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  • OMG that sound so scary---I know how you felt b/c that happened to me (the heartrate drop)--luckily as long as I was flat on my back it maintained so I didn't have to be put under--but OMG thank goodness.  See, everything happens for a reason--I'm so glad you are both ok.  congrats!
  • I'm sorry it didn't turn out as you'd hoped, but I'm amazed at your courage and convinction during your TOL and I'm so glad you feel better about your experience this time.  I hope you have a swift recovery and can enjoy your LO!
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • He is absolutely beautiful!  Congrats!  Glad that you feel you had a supportive OB and you're feeling good about your TOL.  Enjoy your little guy!
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  • congratulations on your sweet baby boy! : )
    Natalie 7.27.07/Lukas 5.29.09/Noah 3.4.11/Brooke 7.31.12 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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