DS woke up Friday night coughing pretty badly. We had to give him a neb treatment because it was so bad. He threw up Saturday night from the coughing. He hasn't been to school all week because his nose is running, he has a nasty cough (sometimes its phlegmy sounding and sometimes its wheezy), and he has a had a fever. It has ranged from 104 down to 101. I am taking him to the doctor tomorrow morning to see what they say. Would you think it's just a bad cold, or something more??
DD started yesterday with the cough, but she never gets as sick as DS does.
He is 4 and DD is 2
Re: pneumonia? Bronchitis?
yeah, Taylor has been sleeping a lot more than usual. Like last night, she fell asleep at 7pm last night and she usually goes to bed at 10. We took her to the pedi yesterday and the antibiotics she got have really helped already. Today she has energy and is awake. Still coughing a lot but I can tell it's a little better. So hopefully your dc can get something too & he will start feeling better soon, poor guy!
No way to know without listening to his lungs and getting a chest xray. BOTH of my kids have had a horrible cough that is still lingering...and we're going on at least a month now. Nebs, oral steroids, antibiotics, decongestants, antihistamines, etc. MH listened to their lungs with his stethoscope every day and even though I thought they sounded like they were wheezing, they actually weren't according to him. He even got chest xrays on both which showed no pneumonia. Turns out they had RSV. It has SUCKED!! They've been super sick!
Hope he feels better soon!