
She's up to the 50th percentile!

My little lady was born at 34wk3d because she stopped moving. At birth she was only 3lb 13.5oz and 16.5in. After 28 days in the NICU learning to eat and growing we came home the Saturday before Thanksgiving. At her 2 month apt, she was 19.75in and 8lb 15oz. She was in the less than 1 percentile for her age. She had her 4 month well-child check up and shots on Monday and she was up to 11lb 13oz and 23in.! She gained almost 2lb and grew 3.25 in. in 2 MONTHS!!!!! She's up to the 50th percentile for her age! I was beyond thrilled to see how much she's grown! She's no longer "preemie-sized"! Develop mentally, she's still behind, but she's a chunker now! YAY!
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Re: She's up to the 50th percentile!

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