I needed to make a new thread because I got tired of scrolling down and through the pages. https://community.thebump.com/cs/ks/forums/thread/49923730.aspx
In response to your:
"I should have clarified a little better...I think some of the comments were good as in they were constructive, but there are others that are completely rude. If someone asks an opinion and the person who has responded is rude, what's the point of even commenting?
For example 10 or so posts above me a girl asked about Morgan and 2 of the girls immediatley said it was a boys name. Its like sometimes people can't wait to put others down on this board. Seems like its always the girls whos kids are named weird names. Must be defensive because they get questioned on their names all the time!"
I have a feeling this is directed towards me, please correct me if I am wrong. If your going to call someone out just do it and don't beat around the bush about it. My daughters name may be "weird" but her father and grandfather chose it and it suits her. No one has ever questioned me on her name on here or IRL besides to ask how she came to be called it and it has never been mispronounced either. I will be naming the next daughter, and it will be a completley different style. When you ask for opinions your going to get a VARIETY of different comments. Just because I said "No thanks. I don't like it." I am considered rude? WOW, talk about sensitive. As I said before you don't get to pick and choose how people respond to you, maybe next time say "I would prefer only positive feedback" but I can guarantee you will be flamed for it. If you can't handle criticism of all sorts the best solution is to NOT post. You may benefit from reading the FAQ's of this board.
And FYI attacking named children directly or indirectly is highly frowned upon.
Re: Mr.andMrs.T2B
Thanks, Spookster, for making me waste fifteen minutes I didn't have to spare searching for the source of this post: ) Always appreciated.
Can I just add, thirteen posts and already starting fights . . . who wants to take bets on how long she sticks around?
Sorry strangebird :-) I should have included the link to the original post. haha.
EDD- 06/13/2017
**Stinkerbelle-8-27-10 * Mr.P's 2nd Mama 7-27-07**
I read through the responses and I didn't see any "rude" comments. I can totally see how it sounds like Satan to some people. I don't think that's rude, I think it's just people pointing out the obvious.
Some people are just way too sensitive.