
Would you tell your MIL to stop sending you offensive e-mails?

My MIL forwards me e-mail that I find offensive and racist.  I tend to delete them as they come (at least 6 per day) but I opened one today and I am just tempted to reply that I found the e-mail to be offensive and not to send them to me anymore.  WWYD

Re: Would you tell your MIL to stop sending you offensive e-mails?

  • When my mom first discovered email eons ago, I was getting every chain email, every "free money" offer, every "don't chew gum and dry your hair because you'll explode" warning.  I started replying with the link to that email story on and she eventually got the hint that not all emails are true...

    In your case, if you had the patience, you could try to educate her on how the jokes/whatever are racist.  On the other hand, if she already knows they're racist, then just tell her flat out you don't want those emails.

    Stay at home mom to a house of boys: two amazing stepsons, 12 and 9, and our 4 year old.
  • I would. And I'd tell her if she doesn't stop then she's going to get blocked.

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  • I would if they were "offensive enough" and I have to an extent. My MIL made ome very prejudicial statements when they were here shortly after the Fort Hood shooting. It ended with her saying she thought "people with certain last names and certain religions just shouldn't be allowed in (the country)." I told her that was a horrible thing to say and that 100-200 years ago people were saying the same thing about the Scottish and Irish. She said t he people at church told her the same thing that I said but she didn't care. So i just asked her not to repeat those opinions in my house or in front of my children.
  • My MIL forwards every crap email thing that she gets and it drive me nuts.  I just delete them, never open them and never comment on them.  Just like with my kids, I choose which battles are with my energy and to me, this is not worth it.  If she made those same offensive comments to me in person, I would say something but the just passing on the email I got from someone else is not worth my time and energy.
    Jenni Mom to DD#1 - 6-16-06 DD#2 - 3-13-08 
  • If they bother you so much, tell her. I've told people to stop sending me chain emails just because they are annoying.
    imageAlternaTickers - Cool, free Web tickers
  • I don't think it would bother me so much if she didn't send like 6 per day, every day.  They are so naive, I actually have a feeling DH may say something to her after this last one.  (he gets them to)
  • Do you want her to continue to forward other emails (just not the offensive ones)?  If so, I would probably just reply to one of them saying "I hope you don't think of me in particular on this subject matter. haha.   Actually, MIL, I get SO much email nowadays, I'm trying to filter what comes into my Inbox. If you could refrain from sending me this type of stuff, I'd really appreciate it.  Thanks love."

    I had to do that with FIL as he was sending me powerpoint and video attachments that were over 5Mb.  Then, he figured out how to send me links instead of the attachment, so I finally had to ask him to stop forwarding stuff to me.  I told him that I wanted to "protect my email address" and didn't want to be tracked when he forwards stuff to me.  (In his delusional CIA is coming to get him world, he understood). But THEN, he figured out copy/paste and BCC and I started getting emails again from him.  At that point, I just blocked him.


    David "BD" 2/8/07 Spencer 9/12/11
  • Yes, I would. One, because she sends you so many. Two, because I don't believe in letting racist or bigoted statements or behavior slide in any circumstance. If she was just sending you annoying "forward this to ten people and you'll win money" emails, sure, let it go. But, never, ever something racist. For me, silence condones the behavior.
  • My MIL would forward me lots of anti Obama stuff which drove me nuts. I had my DH tell her to stop bc I didn't feel comfortable doing it bc I'm a weenie that way.
  • imagebelle204:
    I would. And I'd tell her if she doesn't stop then she's going to get blocked.




    L-R: Liam (7), Eimhin (6) and Fionn (4)!  (Irish names)
    Too busy to update the pics for now ... :)

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