Cloth Diapering

Cloth Diaper Newbie Here! Questions~

Hello CD bumpies -waves- I'm going to having my first child, and while I thought I knew a bit about cloth diapers, come to find out, I don't. Holy cow at all of the options! Mind you I came into it thinking, get some diapers and pins, get ready to change LO a lot, and there ya go! Just like Mom did it.LOL Oh, little did I know!

I have already bought some Gerber 3-ply prefolds, but even though I've heard some good things from friends, I heard some bad things here. So I started looking around. Basically, here's what I had already thought about getting:

For covers/wraps I was thinking Thirsties Duos Wraps (snap), Bummi Super Whispers and Super Brites, I even threw a Swimmi wrap on there so he can join in the water fun in June (haha!) Now, these I had picked before I started looking around on here for tips and whatnot, and apparently these are pretty well-thought of?

As far as inserts/liners go, I already have Kushies Washable liners, but have no idea other than friends recommendations whether or not they're good. I've looked at RealNappies Bioliner Flushables, and Thirsties Hemp Inserts, but I'm really pretty clueless on any of these.

And for diapers themselves, I'm as lost as ever! Haha. I never realized how many options there are! I was originally looking at a RealNappies Essentials pack. After surfing a bit here I've looked at Chinese prefolds, Indian prefolds, and I was previously looking at Gerber 6-plys. But I have no earthly clue as to what works best. I was pointed toward Green Mountain Diapers, and have been looking at those as well, but the sizing between newborn and small is throwing me off a bit as I have no idea how big LO will be or how fast they normally out grow diapers, or how many should be in a beginner stash.

We're on a super tight budget now (I was recently put on bedrest after becoming unemployed, and SO got knocked down to 15hrs a week indefinitely -freaking out-), but I still want LO to have the best I can afford.

If anyone has any insight into what I've got/am planning to get, or what would be better, I'll be so grateful! Thank you guys so much. I'm still looking around as I go, but I'm hoping some start advice would help!

IAmPregnant Ticker

BabyFetus Ticker

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Re: Cloth Diaper Newbie Here! Questions~

  • I'd definitely go with GMD prefolds!  I bought my newborn prefolds as seconds through GMD, which saved a good deal of money.  I'd also recommend Thirsties covers or Bummi wraps, as you've mentioned.  I'd think an insert like the Bum Genius diaper doubler would work well inside a prefold for added absorbency, although there are many different types that you could use.
    Married to my best friend 6/5/10
    BFP #1 9/7/10, EDD 5/14/11, Violet born 5/27/11.
    BFP #2 4/9/12, EDD 12/16/12, M/C Rory 4/24/12.
    BFP #3 10/6/12, EDD 6/16/12., Matilda born 6/17/13.
  • I have heard nothing but raves for Green Mountain prefolds. Their workhorse fitteds are also supposed to be fab.

    Thirsties covers are well regarded. We like ours quite a bit, though I actually like the non-duo one (can't remember the name) better than the snap-down version.

    Check out of great deals to be had there on used stuff. Prefolds are usually worth buying new since they're so pricey to ship, but it's worth checking into and covers are great to buy second hand.

    I might have a couple prefolds and a snappi or two I could send you free for shipping if you're interested (we never got into prefolds and I think I still have some of that stuff around).


    image Lucy, 12/27/2009
    Pregnancy Ticker
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  • imagekacelle:
    I'd definitely go with GMD prefolds!  I bought my newborn prefolds as seconds through GMD, which saved a good deal of money.  I'd also recommend Thirsties covers or Bummi wraps, as you've mentioned.  I'd think an insert like the Bum Genius diaper doubler would work well inside a prefold for added absorbency, although there are many different types that you could use.

    Oh I hadn't heard of Bum Genius inserts! I'll definitely check them out, thanks :D


    I have heard nothing but raves for Green Mountain prefolds. Their workhorse fitteds are also supposed to be fab.

    Thirsties covers are well regarded. We like ours quite a bit, though I actually like the non-duo one (can't remember the name) better than the snap-down version.

    Check out of great deals to be had there on used stuff. Prefolds are usually worth buying new since they're so pricey to ship, but it's worth checking into and covers are great to buy second hand.

    I might have a couple prefolds and a snappi or two I could send you free for shipping if you're interested (we never got into prefolds and I think I still have some of that stuff around).


     I'll definitely check out that website! And oh my gosh, really? I would love that! Should I PM you about it?

    IAmPregnant Ticker

    BabyFetus Ticker

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  • imageHillargh:

    I'd definitely go with GMD prefolds!  I bought my newborn prefolds as seconds through GMD, which saved a good deal of money.  I'd also recommend Thirsties covers or Bummi wraps, as you've mentioned.  I'd think an insert like the Bum Genius diaper doubler would work well inside a prefold for added absorbency, although there are many different types that you could use.

    Oh I hadn't heard of Bum Genius inserts! I'll definitely check them out, thanks :D


    I have heard nothing but raves for Green Mountain prefolds. Their workhorse fitteds are also supposed to be fab.

    Thirsties covers are well regarded. We like ours quite a bit, though I actually like the non-duo one (can't remember the name) better than the snap-down version.

    Check out of great deals to be had there on used stuff. Prefolds are usually worth buying new since they're so pricey to ship, but it's worth checking into and covers are great to buy second hand.

    I might have a couple prefolds and a snappi or two I could send you free for shipping if you're interested (we never got into prefolds and I think I still have some of that stuff around).


     I'll definitely check out that website! And oh my gosh, really? I would love that! Should I PM you about it?

    Shoot an email to :-)


    image Lucy, 12/27/2009
    Pregnancy Ticker
  • If your budget is tight, just buy what you'll need for the first few months now, and then you'll have a better idea how it's going and what you want next.

    I'd get a total of 36 prefolds and 6 covers. You don't have to worry too much about inserts/doublers usually until the baby gets a bit older and starts peeing more. Same with liners - they're great once you start solids, but overkill if you're breastfeeding.

    You can fold down prefolds that are too big - maybe get 12 newborn, 24 small. You can then use the newborn sized ones as doublers later, too. Prefolds are often about the same price new as used because the shipping is pricey on prefolds. GMD does get rave reviews; I ended up buying another brand (Rearz) because they were on a BOGO sale and the price was fantastic.

    I bought my covers on diaperswappers. Used on covers definitely saves money. I ended up with 3 thirsties duos, 3 XS and 3 SM bummis super whisper wraps. 

    That's all you really need, although a snappi or two would be great. I do have more than that, but I got totally carried away.

  • Prefolds are probably the most economical option (and storage is easy, since they fold down well). And if you buy used covers, you can easily cloth diaper on a budget! Some of us have the bug real bad, and spend a LOT. Don't let that scare you away! 

    If you're interested, I have two newborn bummis super whisper wraps (white) and six bummis organic cotton prefolds (smallest size). My DS ended up being over 9 lbs, so we literally used these for only two weeks!

    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
  • We use prefolds mostly and while pregnant I had no idea what to get so I bought a dozen each of 4 different kinds and used them all at different times.  Here's what I bought and how they worked for us:

    12 OsoCozy Indian prefolds size XS - I used these first for about 2 weeks as my baby was almost 9lbs and put on weight quickly.  Now I use them as nursing pads for overnight:-)

    12 Chinese Prefolds size infant - used these until DD was about 11lbs - nowhere near the 18lbs suggested.

    12 GMD size newborn - used these the longst, from about 9.5lbs until 12lbs

    12 OsoCozy Indian prefolds size infant (same link as above) - These have been a great transition size between the GMD orange edge and yellow edge.  I'm currently trifolding and laying them in a cover as they're a bit tight to snappi around my 14lber.

    I'm glad I had them all and there was always a little overlap between the use of different sizes.  As a diaper begins to be too small to wrap around your LO you can always extend it's life by laying it in a cover, so long as it has the inner leg gussets.  Hope this was helpful!

  • imagetokenhoser:

    If your budget is tight, just buy what you'll need for the first few months now, and then you'll have a better idea how it's going and what you want next.

    I'd get a total of 36 prefolds and 6 covers. You don't have to worry too much about inserts/doublers usually until the baby gets a bit older and starts peeing more. Same with liners - they're great once you start solids, but overkill if you're breastfeeding.

    You can fold down prefolds that are too big - maybe get 12 newborn, 24 small. You can then use the newborn sized ones as doublers later, too. Prefolds are often about the same price new as used because the shipping is pricey on prefolds. GMD does get rave reviews; I ended up buying another brand (Rearz) because they were on a BOGO sale and the price was fantastic.

    I bought my covers on diaperswappers. Used on covers definitely saves money. I ended up with 3 thirsties duos, 3 XS and 3 SM bummis super whisper wraps. 

    That's all you really need, although a snappi or two would be great. I do have more than that, but I got totally carried away.

    Having a number makes it so much easier. I never knew you could get used covers, thank you for everyone that suggested that!


    Prefolds are probably the most economical option (and storage is easy, since they fold down well). And if you buy used covers, you can easily cloth diaper on a budget! Some of us have the bug real bad, and spend a LOT. Don't let that scare you away! 

    If you're interested, I have two newborn bummis super whisper wraps (white) and six bummis organic cotton prefolds (smallest size). My DS ended up being over 9 lbs, so we literally used these for only two weeks!

    That's a relief haha! I've seen what some spend and was though, "Oh my gosh, how are we going to do this?!" LOL

    I'm definitely interested! Not sure if you'll see this since it's on page 2 now, but I'll drop you a PM if not. My email is, I'll check back and see if you saw this or not, Thanks!


    We use prefolds mostly and while pregnant I had no idea what to get so I bought a dozen each of 4 different kinds and used them all at different times.  Here's what I bought and how they worked for us:

    12 OsoCozy Indian prefolds size XS - I used these first for about 2 weeks as my baby was almost 9lbs and put on weight quickly.  Now I use them as nursing pads for overnight:-)

    12 Chinese Prefolds size infant - used these until DD was about 11lbs - nowhere near the 18lbs suggested.

    12 GMD size newborn - used these the longst, from about 9.5lbs until 12lbs

    12 OsoCozy Indian prefolds size infant (same link as above) - These have been a great transition size between the GMD orange edge and yellow edge.  I'm currently trifolding and laying them in a cover as they're a bit tight to snappi around my 14lber.

    I'm glad I had them all and there was always a little overlap between the use of different sizes.  As a diaper begins to be too small to wrap around your LO you can always extend it's life by laying it in a cover, so long as it has the inner leg gussets.  Hope this was helpful!

    Ah see this is exactly what I was looking for as far as size goes! No idea how big or little LO will be! This was a huge help, thank you so much =D



    IAmPregnant Ticker

    BabyFetus Ticker

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