
How to Disinfect House?

We're moving to a new house on the 18th. The EI therapist told me to be sure to disinfect before we move in. Other than cleaning and spraying with Clorox Sanitizing Spray, is there anything else I should be doing?

Re: How to Disinfect House?

  • If it has carpets then have the carpets professionally cleaner or rent a steam cleaner. 
    Kelly, Mom to Noah 8.27.05 (born at 26 weeks)
  • Ditto pp. I would have the carpets professionally cleaned, I would change all the air filters (and have the ducts cleaned if your dc has respiratory issues), clorox everything from faucets, stair bannisters doorknobs, light switches, etc. I would also clean all the cabinets with clorox and the fridge if they're leaving it.
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  • everything that pp's said, especially the carpets. ?also, i'd open the windows for a few days. ?nothing like fresh air!
  • Don't forget to wipe all door knobs, cabinet edges and knobs where you pull them open, banisters and hand rails, the knobs on the washer and dryer, closet door knobs, toilet handles (dh always forgets that one), ditto the air filters.  If there are mini blinds dust and wipe the rods and strings to open and close them. 
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