Cloth Diapering

Help: Advice for night time use of prefolds/covers

My LO is 5 weeks and I have been using prefolds with a bummi cover during the day, but have been using sposies at night.  I am running out of my stock of sposies and don't want to buy more, but I would like some advice about CDing at night.  Was thinking about adding a fleece liner or possibly using a wool cover. Any advice? Thanks in advance.

Re: Help: Advice for night time use of prefolds/covers

  • How long does your LO sleep? If LO wakes every few hours, you can use as you would during the day. If he/she sleeps longer stretches, I would think of folding a hemp doubler into the prefold or even a 2nd prefold tri-folded though that may be very bulky on such a small baby. The fleece liner is a great idea as well to keep baby dry. At that age, we used AIO's and fitteds at night because they were easier in the middle of the night and kept the baby dry. Now we use fitteds w/ a doubler, fleece liner, and a wool soaker or longies.
    "Normal day, let me be aware of the treasured day you are. Let me learn from you, love you, bless you before you depart...let me hold you while I may."


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  • You may need a little extra absorbency for nights... Though I used prefolds in the day, I got a couple of BG pockets for night and they worked great.
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  • wool is awesome- really awesome!
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  • I could never get away with PFs at night - my DD has slept 4-5 hours at night (most nights) from almost the beginning and she wet through them in a flash. We use a pocket with a hemp insert most nights.
    Dee, Mommy to: Sofia, born 2/9/11, as well as three dogs, two cats and a multitude of chinchillas. Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • I used PFs with a KissaLuvs hemp type insert folded into it for the longer sleep stretches once we got there.
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  • I used a premium prefold folded around a hemp insert (JoeyBunz or AFFF) recently. It was actually completely leak proof. I always use fleece liners on my prefolds too.
    DS 09.11.10
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