Cloth Diapering

Just a few cloth diaper questions :)

1) How many inserts do we need? How many diapers? We are hoping to wash every 3 days (we have 21 pocket diapers so far)

2) Do you remove the insert from the diaper before washing or leave it in the pocket diaper?

3) It seems like hemp inserts are the best? What is your favorite kind (for day and night)? How many do you typically use at once? I was thinking of using the AFFF ones- do those work well for days also?Has anyone bought the "seconds" of the AFFF?

With inserts and pocket diapers (we have BG) do you have to line dry them or can you put them in the dryer? If you line dry them, where do you personally dry yours? (drying rack of some sort, topr of dryer...?)

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Re: Just a few cloth diaper questions :)

  • 1) Start with one per diaper, and increase if you find that you need to double stuff some/all of the time.

    2) Yes, I remove the insert. I use mostly BG's. The insert does agitate out from some brands, but it never agitates out from my BG's. (MIL sometimes forgets to take them out...)

    3) I don't like hemp on its own. I pair it with microfiber or bamboo. So I don't use it much right now, because DS is a light wetter and only needs one insert (even overnight).

    I usually line dry the shells and machine dry the inserts, but I have line dried my inserts in the past, too. It just takes a little longer. I use a drying rack.

    Mommy to DD1 (June 2007), DS (January 2010), DD2 (July 2012), and The Next One (EDD 3/31/2015)

  • imagesarbear2:

    1) How many inserts do we need? How many diapers? We are hoping to wash every 3 days (we have 21 pocket diapers so far) as PP said one insert per dipe to start is fine unless you have a heavy wetter.  The BG's don't work until LO is 10-12 lbs. but as a NB I went through 12-15 diapers per day.  I had 30-40 diapers in my NB stash.  Currently I have about 30+ diapers and could wash every other day or so.  My limitation is my washer size.  I have an HE washer that doesn't work well when overloaded so I never let them go too long.

    2) Do you remove the insert from the diaper before washing or leave it in the pocket diaper?  Remove before washing.

    3) It seems like hemp inserts are the best? What is your favorite kind (for day and night)? How many do you typically use at once? I was thinking of using the AFFF ones- do those work well for days also?Has anyone bought the "seconds" of the AFFF? I love my AFFF. They're more trim than the microfiber that comes with the BG's.  I do put the a newborn microfiber insert over it for night time.

    With inserts and pocket diapers (we have BG) do you have to line dry them or can you put them in the dryer? If you line dry them, where do you personally dry yours? (drying rack of some sort, topr of dryer...?) I put my inserts in the dryer....and will admit to putting my pockets in there too sometimesEmbarrassed

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  • imagesarbear2:

    1) How many inserts do we need? How many diapers? We are hoping to wash every 3 days (we have 21 pocket diapers so far)

    one per diaper is plenty, add hemp for extra absorbency.

    2) Do you remove the insert from the diaper before washing or leave it in the pocket diaper?

    For BG's, remove them before you toss them in the diaper pail.

    3) It seems like hemp inserts are the best? What is your favorite kind (for day and night)? How many do you typically use at once? I was thinking of using the AFFF ones- do those work well for days also?Has anyone bought the "seconds" of the AFFF?

    I love AFFF, I use a MF insert on top since it absorbs quickest.  For days, a MF insert is usually plenty for us, for naps and nighttime we use the MF/AFFF combo.  Never tried seconds but I would if they were in stock.  They don't need to be pretty, just effective.

    With inserts and pocket diapers (we have BG) do you have to line dry them or can you put them in the dryer? If you line dry them, where do you personally dry yours? (drying rack of some sort, topr of dryer...?)

    You don't have to line dry the pockets but they dry so fast you might as well.  I have 3 laundry bins I use to sort dirty clothes and I hand the wet pockets around the sides of those.  They are usually dry by the time I get the inserts out of the dryer.  If you are using velcro CD's they will last a lot longer if line drying them too.

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