DH and I went back to a private health plan this time last year when we decided that I would SAH with the kids again. We got a letter in the mail today that they are increasing our monthly premium by about $150 more a month. Add to that the fact that they increased our co-pay amount. We have to pay $40 a pop to go to the doctor now Plus, they don't cover vaccines so those come out of pocket. We all ended up sick during the month of January and we ended up paying over $300 of out of pocket costs.
For a whole host of other reasons, I've been debating going back to work. I told DH when I saw the letter that getting better health insurance makes another reason for me to work. He's arguing that I likely won't get better insurance through an employer since most of his friends have told him that they pay about the same as we do. I'm guessing that they get better coverage though but what do I know?!?!
Re: Vent: Health Insurance
it would be worth looking into, I guess (the job /ins option). but premiums are up. we pay about $400/mo, 1 physical with no copay. $30 reg physician/$40 specialist for other visits.
as far as vaccines, check with your state health dept. many give them free at health dept centers.... or will pay for them through your pedi office.
I feel you. I have been looking for a different job for many reasons but one is our crappy insurance. It's now cheaper for me to tell the pedi I DONT have insurance (for an office visit only) rather than claim it on our insurance. It's 50 for a non-inusured visit.
DS's medications were 105 without insurance the other day. With insurance....(BIG savings) 75! Gah!
We are paying over $500 a month now and that doesn't include the dental plan that we have. All of our services require a copay. It's a 28% increase from our rates last year. I get that prices are going up but how can they justify a 28% increase especially given that we avoided going to the doctor this past year at all costs. I have asthma that I'm currently not treating because they'll increase premiums if they see an asthma diagnosis (know this from past experience).
Thanks for the advice on the health dept stuff. I'll have to look into that. Do they typically work on a sliding scale or are they reserved for usage at a certain income level?
depends on the state. I know when I was going to college in MS, I had to go to the health dept for a mmr (they didn't require 2 when I was a kid, so they were requiring it on admission to college) and dtap (or whichever variation it was) and I did not have to pay. both IL and NY have programs to provide vaccination. some states have low premium options for families (many are just for the kids) who do not afford private but are not on medicaid.
what state are you in? check your state health dept website.