
Anyone take medication for stress/anxiety after having multiples?

I haven't experienced anything that would need it yet, but I have heard lots of parents of twins say they were prescribed medication to help with the stress. I even had a nurse at my child's doctor say I would need something (this was before I had them).

I was curious how common is this, and what in the world were you prescribed? Also did you get this from you OB doc or reg doctor.


Re: Anyone take medication for stress/anxiety after having multiples?

  • I actually started taking antideprassants while I was pregnant and still take them. Mama likes her crazy pills :) I got a wussy strength Zoloft (25mg) from my OB who transferred the script to my reg. doc!
    no day but today~ RENT  *HEG survivors*
    ::where a sig pic would go if TB wasn't a d*ck::
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  • It is definately not a given. And calling antidepressants "crazy pills" is not a nice term to use as depression is a serious illness.
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  • I take prestiq and have been taking it for about 3 weeks now.  I may have to switch to something else.  I'm not sure it is strong enough for me.  I took Zoloft and Welbutrin after my 1st ds then quit them when I got pregnant with the girls.  After I had major withdrawals coming off the Zoloft I swore I would never be on it again.  

    And about calling the meds "crazy pills", I think everyone deals with things differently; some with humor and others with seriousness.  Yes, it is a serious condition, but I would rather laugh about it if you can.  

  • imageAlisaS:
    It is definately not a given. And calling antidepressants "crazy pills" is not a nice term to use as depression is a serious illness.

    Yea, if you couldn't tell I was being tongue in cheek, then perhaps you would like one of my wussy Zoloft? Stick out tongue <-- thats the JK face, btw.


    no day but today~ RENT  *HEG survivors*
    ::where a sig pic would go if TB wasn't a d*ck::
     Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
  • I was on Buspar before I conceived, and went off as soon as I knew I was pg.  Believe it or not my pg hormones really keep me "in balance."  I did go back on Buspar after the twins were born, but I've been an obsessive worrier my entire life :).  I have been in therapy for this and have many "tools" to use to help with the stress. worry is quite extreme and the medication helps reduce the obsession (and helps me interrupt my thoughts easier with the helpful "tools"!

    Now I have a newborn and 15 month old twins and I am doing just fine.  Well, MH might say differently b/c I've been a little scattered (but it is productive at this point...clean house, organized closets, happy babies, etc!)

    I originally had a psychiatrist prescribing it for me but switched to my GP who is WELL informed and really keeps tabs on how I am doing.  He and I will decide together, if need be, whether or not I need to go back on.

    I just encourage people to "do research" on GP's prescribing meds, or any other physician.  Also, be well informed about the meds you are taking and any potential side effects, potential for addiction, etc.

    Alisa is well informed in this area and can be an excellent resource for general question!



  • Can you imagine the stigma of having post-partum depression and the feeling someone might get from hearing you call Zoloft your "crazy pill"?

    I'll bet there are a few women who read your post that felt your comment was insensitive. You wouldn't say something similar to someone receiving treatment for cancer. So don't perpetuate the stigma of another medical illness.

  • AlisaS- I had (and am still dealing with)  PPD after having my twins.  I was not offended by her comment.  If you haven't noticed, we are a very open, honest, and easy-going board.  No drama please.


  • image0Sept04Bride:

    AlisaS- I had (and am still dealing with)  PPD after having my twins.  I was not offended by her comment.  If you haven't noticed, we are a very open, honest, and easy-going board.  No drama please.


    Nicely said, thank you

  • I got a prescription for Xanax after the babies were born; not necessarily for the stress of having twins, but more for postpartum blues caused by a very big drop in hormone levels.  I took them for about two weeks PP, stopped when I felt a bit better, and then began taking them again because my father died three weeks PP... but that's another story...

    I've never had a doctor tell me that medication may be needed because of the stress and anxiety of having twins... I think if someone is an anxious person in general or has had a history of depression or anxiety, then yes, it may be needed.  Otherwise, most people are prescribed medication because of postpartum depression or "baby blues," a naturally-occuring phenomenon. 

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