
If you have the Expedit from Ikea....

can you measure the inside of the cubbies for me?  

We're trying to decide about building something custom, or just getting a couple of these....but we already have a lot of totes, that it still may not be cheaper if I have to replace all those.


Re: If you have the Expedit from Ikea....

  • I think I might.  Do you have a link to it.
  • I have it, but am too lazy to go upstairs to measure.  According to IKEA's website, the bins that fit in the cubbies are 13 high x 13 wide x 14.5 deep.  HTH
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  • Here's a link: (there are other sizes also)

    Ciarri- thanks....I'm looking for actual measurements because the I have are a little deeper, so I'm trying to figure out if they will fit, or hang over too much.


  • I can measure for you once I get off this conference call...hold please.
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  • I'm a bonehead. I'm sorry.  I guess the overall depth is 15 3/8"....which would answer my question. gah! 

    thanks girls.  

  • I was just about to run up and measure it.  I had a contractor here measuring for new floors and was waiting on him to leave.  Glad you found it.
  • If you can build something custom and already have totes, just design your piece to fit the totes.  DH built a bookcase for me and measured the totes we were already using to make sure they would fit appropriately.  I love it because he also designed it with a shelf tall enough to fit some of the more awkward toys that don't fit in totes.  It sits next to our fireplace and it looks like a built-in.
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  • Leo - that's the plan.  I was just checking to see if a pre-fab was an option.  I already have it designed and out for quotes from a couple of H's friends. 


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