DD's friend from preschool was on one at the park the other day. We haven't considered getting DD one but I think that is just because we don't really ride (don't have bikes, we live in AL and hills are everywhere). I want her to know how to ride and after seeing her friend DD wants one. I'm talking a bike with training wheels:) DD will be 4 towards the end of March. Is she too young for one? Or is she old enough and mommy is just really behind on this stuff?
Re: How old for 1st bike?
Well my DS has had one since he was one! LOL My MIL was INTENT on beating me to buying his first bike. She won. I wouldn't have dreamed of buying him a bike that young. Needless to say, it sat in the garage until he was 3. Duh. He could barely walk, much less pedal a bike! Crazy lady. She sure showed me.
LOL Anyway, I think 4 is the perfect age! DS really took off on it around age 3.5 but was frustrated for a bit first, but he zoomed all over the place last summer.
Said bike is now falling apart (he's a rough rider!) and I'm waiting to see what crazy MIL does for 5th b-day. Maybe a car?
Kelly Monaghan's 5K - 5/15/11 - 3rd Place in AG
Walk the Talk 5K - 5/18/11 - 31:12 PR
Ridley Run 3.1 - 4/14/12 - 1st race of the year, 32:45
We got dd1 her bike for her 3rd birthday. She got the hang of it right away. She used it a lot last summer.
B got his 14" when he turned 3. N got her 12" when she was abuot 2y9m - because she was going crazy riding the tricycle around. She hopped on the bike and off she went. B will need a new one this summer, as his is much too small (borderline by late last summer) and N may need a new one as well - she's grown a lot.
I think if the trike is no prob, a bike will be just fine, regardless of age, really.
ETA: I will say that we ride bikes a lot - esp H. We have road bikes and trailers and go riding several times a week in warmer weather. The kids love it.
FWIW, DS is 4 and doesn't have a bike. He hasn't shown any interest and we aren't a bike-riding family.
This board is the only place I've seen where kids are on 'real' bikes so early. Hell, I didn't get my first bike until I was 5 or 6.
DS - December 2006
DD - December 2008
DD was riding her tricycle at 2 so we got her bike at 3. DS took off on DD's pink tricycle at 18 months, so we got him his bike.
Lari- I don't think it's just a nest thing. We have a trike-a-thon at DD's school every year and all the kids love it. This will be DD's 3rd year so they have all been doing this since 2.
Charlotte Ella 07.16.10
Emmeline Grace 03.27.13
I think it depends on where you live. My neighborhood is heavily populated with young children. The two year olds ride tricyles and the three and ups ride big kid bikes. I cannot think of one child without 'wheels'. They all have a ton of fun and spend a lot of time in nice weather riding around driveways, sidewalks and the quiet streets.
This is true of our neighborhood too.