
Overeating at the breast? Need advice...

So my husband thinks I'm making something out of nothing - I hope he's right. My son is a week old and other than nipple issues breastfeeding has been going fairly well. He seems to be a big eater and like my daughter at each feeding he had been taking one side, then still acting hungry, so I'd offer the other side and he'd usually eat for an additional 5 minutes or so. Over the weekend, he started projectile spitting up more frequently - i know it probably looks like more than it is, but it's easily 4-5 tablespoons. I felt MUCH better after our routine visit to the pediatrician today showed he is already several ounces heavier than his birthweight. Clearly he's getting what he needs. The pediatrician said he's probably just spitting up the excess that he doesn't need, bu didn't really offer any suggestions on how to deal.

I've tried burping him very frequently during and after feedings, but he just doesn't burp much. He seems to want to eat and eat and eat but it's like he doesn't know when to stop, gets overfull, then vomits. Now I'm trying only feeding from one side and it seems to prevent the spitting up but he still acts hungry. But, if I let him go until he seems satisfied - that's when he spits up. I always thought BF babies could self-regulate and would quit eating when full, but I'm not sure that's the case with my little guy. I'm conflicted  - if I try to prevent him from overeating then spitting up I feel like I'm not letting him eat enough, and I hate the thought of limiting what he eats if he seems hungry.  Any suggestions on how to balance this?


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Re: Overeating at the breast? Need advice...

  • unless baby seems like he is in pain while spitting up, it is really a laundry problem. Let baby nurse as long as he likes and keep a rag handy and an extra pair of clothes!!


    Little Rose is 2 1/2.
  • I've read the Kellymom "laundry issue" explanation before, but he does seem to be in considerable discomfort prior to spitting up - back arching, grunting, writhing, occasionally screaming. This lasts a 2-5 minutes then resolves immediately after he spits up. Perpetual laundry is annoying, but I really hate that he is so uncomfortable, even if it is just temporary...


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  • Nurse him in a more inclined position- close to sitting up.
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  • My feeling is that you are the Mom and you probably know best.  Does your little guy take a pacifier?  Maybe let him eat from one side then offer the paci. Maybe he just wants to comfort suck.  If he sucks on the paci for a little bit and still seems hungry then offer the other breast.  Just a thought.  GL!
    Lilypie Third Birthday tickersLilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • Have you tried Mylicon or other gas remedies?  Maybe he is spitting up due to excess gas.
  • imageMrs.Cooley2bee:
    My feeling is that you are the Mom and you probably know best.  Does your little guy take a pacifier?  Maybe let him eat from one side then offer the paci. Maybe he just wants to comfort suck.  If he sucks on the paci for a little bit and still seems hungry then offer the other breast.  Just a thought.  GL!

    I could have written this original post and I'm going to try the paci this weekend too (most experts recommend waiting until 4 weeks if EBF). I think Charlie likes to suck too, and he'll keep eating even though a significant portion will come up if I let him keep going. As my pedi says, some kids subscribe to the "have nipple, will suck" philosophy and need something else besides you to suck on. ;)  GL!

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  • Thank you all so much for your input. This gives me a lot to think about and some new things to try to get this sorted out. I truly appreciate all of the advice!


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